[center][img=http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2010/235/9/7/character_concept_by_madspartan013.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Aria Hunter [b]Codename:[/b] Wraith [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Biography:[/b]Born out in the west, Aria was raised in a small town just outside of control of the NCR. So small and out of the way it was, even raiders didn't seem to notice it all that much. While the village lacked firearms, they happened to have a small cash of old blades nearby. With a bit of sprucing up, many of them were ready for use. Nearly everyone in the village was trained to wield a blade, even if there weren't enough to go around, and Aria was no exception. By the time she was fourteen, she was easily as skilled as most of the adults, as they were around her age. However, Aria was rather bored with their life. Meager farming and sparring with the others weren't really the most exciting things, especially if there was no danger in it. The only thing that really ever caught her attention was the occasional sight of a vertibird flying high above. After about the fifth or six time, she decided to take off in the direction it went. After about a month of walking and slicing up geckos, she managed to arrive at an Enclave base several miles north of her village. And, fenced off from her, the vertibird. Or, rather, vertibirds. Of course, the moment she tried to climb the fence, alarms went off, and within the hour she was caught and brought in for questioning. Easily figuring out she wasn't NCR or part of the Brotherhood, she was given permission to leave. Which she denied. Several times, in fact. Rather than throw her out, the leader of the outpost decided to keep her on and train her to be a member of the Enclave, a soldier forged in youth to be loyal to the ideal of a rebirthed America. But, the soldier's life was not for her, as they all quickly figured out. She was a terrible shot, and honestly was all that bright. So, they put her in the only place they could - pilot training. And damn was she good at it. She actually wasn't allowed in a cockpit until she was eighteen, but by then she had already learned the ins and outs of flying. And, with a little practice, she was easily the best of all the recruit pilots. The maneuvers she'd do in assessments were seen as insane and near impossible by the other recruits, and either reckless or genius by her superiors. At the age of twenty, she was finally put to test, doing runs through NCR territory and even over some holdings of Caesar's Legion. At one point, she flew a little too close to Boomer territory, and was nearly shot out of the sky... Nearly. According to the men on board, if it had been any other pilot, they would have been a fiery mess for the Boomers to loot. And she only continued to impress, up until the point that when it came to choose a pilot for Eagle Claw, there really was no competition, and she flew herself all the way up to Canada just to serve the Enclave and Eagle Claw. [b]Other:[/b] She is crass, unrefined, and sarcastic. Won't hesitate to nearly blow up the vertibird to save it. Unshakable loyalty to the Enclave. Carries a 9mm sub machinegun and a Chinese officer's sword.[/center]