[quote]"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."[/quote] [b]Name:[/b] Agrat [b]Nickname:[/b] She's currently going by her vessel's name, Candace "Candy" Cain [b]Species: [/b]Demon [b]Age:[/b] Appears to be in her late teens. [b]Appearance:[/b] Candace is the girl everyone wants to be or have: she's tall and slim with curves in [i]just[/i] the right places. Her wide eyes are a brilliant green and her smile blinding white, framed by full pink lips. Her hair is long but manageable, falling in blonde cascades to her lowerback. She has soft, poreless skin and it's a soft olive hue, giving her the [i]best[/i] tans come summer time. Throughout most of high school, Candace has worn skirts to compliment her long legs and warm tops to hide her lanky arms. However, something has changed in her appearance: her skirts are higher than ever and necklines lower. Her pink lips are often painted a daring red, and she wears heels that add even [i]more[/i] to her incredible height of 5'8", standing sometimes as tall as 6'. Beautiful blonde hair has been highlighted with subtle hues of pink, and her green eyes seem darker. And did she ALWAYS wear that much perfume? [b]Personality:[/b] Candace has always been queen bee material: she's a perfectionist, confident, rich, and a little snobby. She's known her whole life to hang with the "right" crowd and avoid the losers and drop outs. Her hard social work has earned her the titles of cheer captain and most popular girl in the school. Now, she's a senior and ready to rule. [b]Weapons/Equipment:[/b] Her Angel Blade has no unique name, but it's powerful nonetheless. In this world, it takes the form of a tube of red lipstick. However, once the cap is removed, it transforms into a large, two handed blade that a girl of Candy's size should [i]not[/i] be able to wield. [b]Other:[/b] Agrat has an affinity for wind. This allows her to float on the air as if she weighs nothing, a common phenomenon among the possessed. However, she doesn't use it often for obvious reasons.