[color=6A5ACD][center][h2]Rhodri Gwynfor[/h2][/center][/color] [color=6A5ACD][b]"Damnation...they're beyond the walls now!?"[/b][/color] Rhodri cursed as he heard the screams from beyond the walls. This was...overwhelming to say the least. Such a large-scale assault, such precise yet seemingly aimless chaos. So much malice, spite, and bloodshed that the mere thought of how the public would speak of Song Knights after this made him shudder. This wasn't how it was ever supposed to turn out...not once did he ever think in his wildest dreams, someone could be so dangerously, perfectly foolish and destructive. Yet here he was, bashing his way through a Dissonance platoon of skeletons to save what few innocents he could. His maces crunching against bone. His feet crushing their skulls to ensure they were dead. His hands parrying away lethal strikes from his neck and torso. The burning in his left abdomen from a glancing slash from a Dissonance. All of this was real. All of this was happening. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the strongest thing that Rhodri felt as he burrowed the flange of his mace into another Dissonance's head was shame. A deep, burning shame, as if maybe he had done something different, maybe if he were stronger more would still be alive, maybe more would live...maybe what he needed now wasn't more strength. What he needed most was a miracle to arrive and spare the poor people outside the Colosseum a bloody fate. But sadly, this was the reality of a Song Knight. No one was coming to save that which was close to him. Nobody could be trusted save himself and his arms to disperse these monstrosities. Feeling a deep, infuriating anger burning in his chest, Rhodri let out a bloodcurdling roar as he threw his mace into the skull of an undead legionnaire who's spear was poised to run a mother and son through. [color=6A5ACD]"Blast it all..."[/color] he muttered to himself, spitefully glaring at the woman behind all this. The towering dragon nearby, and the hall of innocents that he would soon charge into to try and save. Everything was within arm's reach, but it all still felt so far away. And that siren sure didn't mean that there was an army arriving any time soon to sweep this mess of affairs out of existence. [center][color=8FBC8F][h2]Hywel[/h2][/color][/center] The dragonic earth spirit gave a small bow in response to the far tastier looking princess. It was best to be respectful around these royal types, after all. Sour their mood and their flavor might go sour. Hywel was trying to avoid looking directly at Lieselotte, half to prevent whetting his appetite, half to keep an eye out for any scattered enemies. Yeah. Totally helping. Once the princess requested a report, Hywel most certainly heard the grumbles of the Captain, slightly opening his mouth while the Captain was looking to get a good view of the innumerous teeth lining his mouth. Of course, such a noble, majestic spirit would never THREATEN such a clearly dutiful and honorable man who probably tasted like rancid garbage. He just didn't like people making snide remarks against fine cuisine. Regardless, he did take the man seriously in regards to the account of the situation and clenched his fist. [color=8FBC8F][b]"Then let us have at it. If no normal soldier can break through, then there is only one answer. Without my master, yet I can dispatch more than a few simple Dissonance. Magic however, might require a more human touch to break through,"[/b][/color] the Spirit said, glancing back to look at Amelia and Nem. [color=8FBC8F][b]"Shall I leave the spotlight to you two?"[/b][/color]