[center][h3][color=yellow]The Imperium[/color][/h3][/center] Streamers and confetti began to pile on the streets as the fireworks began in the quickly darkening sky. The celebration had only began but Uther had no intention of joining. There were so many reports, so many colonies with new needs and local leaders with issues. He did find time to crack an occasional smile at the triumphs he had somehow managed though, winning a binding alliance with the Confederacy and effectively countering Faust's immense military power. Inside his cozy room though, Uther found his fingers numb from typing and the constant flipping through reports. A welcomed distraction seemed to arrive. Anisimovna Castlereagh was surprised at how quickly she was ushered before Uther. The battlecruiser RCNS [i]Olympic[/i] had delivered her into Carina Prime's orbit less than two hours previously, and here she was entering the Grand Marshall's office. She was a very senior member of the Commonwealth's Diplomatic Corps, but still, she'd hardly expected such prompt reception. The first thing she noticed upon entering the room was how...comfortable it felt. The wood panelling reminded her of her father's office on Praetoria, where she'd spent so much time learning her trade. Being the boss's daughter was not quite as luxurious as most people thought. Castlereagh was twice as tough on her as any other diplomat, probably to avoid the appearance of favoritism. So it was with some pride that Anisimovna could say that her position today was entirely the result of her own abilities, not her father's tampering. The second thing she noticed was how tired Uther seemed, and yet not tired at all. His shoulders were slumped, his face seemed gaunt, but his eyes danced with energy and ambition. Anisimovna bowed deeply, since curtsying didn't work when one was wearing a pant suit. "Greetings, Grand Marshall. On behalf of Her Imperial Majesty's government, allow me to convey both our deepest regrets and our most heartfelt congratulations on this day. The death of Regent Lawrence wounds her Majesty deeply, but she cannot think of a more suitable heir than yourself." Uther nodded, "Well, thanks for the sentiment I suppose." He looked up at her and motioned towards a chair opposite him, "Please, take a seat. and may I offer you something to drink?" "Yes, please," Anisimovna said primly as she took a seat. Then she looked Uther dead in the eye. "We have a shared problem, Grand Marshall. The Dominion." "Ah yeah.. Faust. It seems everyone has come to me about that madman, and I suppose it's rightly so now." He took deep breath and leaned back in his chair, " So then I know you are not here to solely offer condolences and congratulations, Then what are you here for?" Anisimovna looked down at her glass for a moment. "May I be perfectly frank, Grand Marshall?" <<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> "Faust represents an unparallaled threat to the Commonwealth. The way we see it, the galaxy stands on the brink of war, and we are trying to establish diplomatic ties with nations that would stand against Faust's tyranny. I imagine you might have heard about my government's negotiations with the Confederacy. At this moment, envoys like myself are on their way to the Paradise system to negotiate a stronger relationship with the Confederacy. Faust has secured his allies, it is time to secure our own. I propose a full military alliance between the trrue heirs of the Imperium and the Imperial Systems Commonwealth." Uther leaned forward in his chair. "An interesting proposition indeed but these.. propositions always come with stipulations. I know this from my time as a general that allies always comes with exceptions." He sighed, "This is no different. So let's say that the worst happens, Faust invades and a grand alliance stops him. What happens after that? what happens to his lands or the lands that the commonwealth are still actively procuring?" "An astute question, Grand Marshall, and a concern for my government. Our quarrel with the Dominion is not over territory, but genocide. My government is willing to cede full control of Dominion territory to the True Imperium. As for the unaffiliated worlds the Commonwealth has...brought order to...well, that depends on how much you value them, Grand Marshall. I do not think things will ever return to the way they were under the Old Imperium, but I feel confidend that an alliance against Faust will provide excellent diplomatic framework for future negotiations concerning the fate of unafiliated worlds." Anisimovna took her turn to lean forward in her chair. "However, Grand Marshall, all that is talk of the distant future. What concerns my government most are the threats of the present. Surviving Faust is our concern; anything else, we will deal with later." "Ah, but now is only a prelude to later. Nations survive not only by securing their immediate circumstances but also by planning for the next ones." Uther gave a concerned look, "Those unaffiliated worlds have no reason to be tampered with. Not by you or I. To constantly mettle in the affairs of all is being no worse than Faust. Granted, his faults are far more extreme and nothing short of execution befits a bastard such as he, The facts do remain, the future is what we plan for, the present is what we deal with." Uther took a sip from a small plain cup of water. "Let us assume that your government decides to do the right thing and leave sovereign nations that have done nothing wrong alone, how does your nation intend to deal with Faust directly? Simple terms like defense pact have no meaning without a plan. Musashi for example had made concessions regarding securing safety on the second imperium, to which was never followed through." Anisimovna smiled, for she was truly enjoying pitting herself against Faust. She leaned back now, idly running her finger over the rim of her glass. She'd been granted full Confidence of the Crown, meaning that anything she negotiated here would be accepted without varification, barring something outrageous enough that the Imperial Queen herself would intervene to countermand it. It was such an interesting situation, and exhiliration pumped through her veins. "With all due respect, Grand Marshall, we absolutely view it as our responsibility to intervene in the affairs of those unaffiliated worlds. People of all many species, many bakgrounds, are suffering on so many worlds, subject to petty warlords and rampant nobles." She could see Uther was about to rebuke her, and held out her hands placatingly. "But that is a difference in philosophy, in morals and other abstracts. I doubt I can convince you of the need for intervention, much as you will not likely convince me to leave them sovereign. What I would propose is this; a full conference, between the Confederation, the True Imperium, the Commonwealth, and the leaders of those unafiliated worlds, to discuss their fate, which affects us all. I feel such an important issue cannot and should not be resolved by two people in an office." It was a rather good offer, Anisimovna thought, and it elevated responsibility beyond her shoulders. The best part was that it rang true in her own heart, such a rarity of modern diplomacy. She believed such a massive, sweeping policy should not be decided by the two of them. At home, such a broad change in policy would have to go through Parliament, the democratically elected representatives of the populace. It was simply not her place to decide the fate of so many people. It was, however, her place to discuss how to defeat the Dominion. "With regards to your second point, Grand Marhsall, well, where to begin. The Musashi Empire is a tempestuous place; none of us could of anticipated Ryu Yammamoto would disown his own daughter for her negotiations with yourself. That is simply not how things work in the Commonwealth. I have been granted Confidence of the Crown. That means my government trusts me implicitly. Such a privilidge is not granted lightly, and unlike the Musashi, we value the value of our integrity. Now, as for Faust," Anisimovna's smile gleamed as she said it, "we are proposing a full military alliance. Not a mere defence pact, but rather integrated command and control of our respective fleets and war staff, with the objective of defeating Faust. I am not a military strategist, but I have been briefed on our top level plans. Simply put, it all depends on the Varangians. If they choose to involve themselves in a Imperium-Commonwealth-Confederacy vs Dominion-Musashi conflict, we would leverage our relations with the Alorians, and crush the Varangians in a two pronged assault. Should the Varangians stay neutral, the Commonwealth would fully commit to engaging the Dominion on its western frontier. Now, I must emphasize that I am not a military strategist, but I understand the Admiralty Board would releasee 14 of our CSC's for offensive operations. Does this plan pique your interest, Grand Marshall?" Uther pushed a glass of water towards Anisimovna, "You better drink some of this after all of that." he said jokingly, "Thinking on your selling comments, I am confident that something along those lines would be beneficial but I still must stand by one stipulation, that any current action against the Unaffiliated systems is ceased. I know you feel we have moved past that issue but I must put my foot down regarding it. Unless that term is met and carried out by your government, I cannot agree to any such alliance, even if it is in the face of such a tyrannical empire like the Dominion." "The main different between Faust and myself is the presence of eithics, ones that afford him a simple, narrow mindset that all is under his boot, all is to be crushed, no matter how large or small. Whereas my nation believes in honoring the sovereignty of any free nations. My own interdiction and more or less integration of the second Imperium into the core is due to a series of complex verbal and written pacts between not only lawrence and myself but with the two respective governments." He paused, taking a deep breath. "So there you have it, my stipulation. End the crusade into the unaffiliate space and gain an ally in this inevitable war." Anisimovna sipped the water appreciatively. What did she dare commit her country to? How important were the unaffiliated territories? How imminent was the threat of Faust? She thought carefully over her next words. "Grand Marshall, I'm sure you're aware of the...delicate domestic situation at home, since the Dubrovnik strike. We have spent decades building up our population's morale for this so called 'crusade', and it will not easily be diverted. What are your thoughts on a two year 'cooldown' period. The Commonwealth will intervene in progressively less territory each month of those two years. This will give us the time to, ah...re-allocate our citizens' fervor, and stabilize our domestic situation." Uther nodded, "While it is hard for me to acknowledge Dubrovnik as anything but a retaliatory strike, I can say I am sorry for the innocent lives lost on both sides. That said, I can agree to a 'cooldown' period but the majority of the nations within that region that have not yet been touched by your forces shall remain untouched. Your people deserve what they would consider justice, regardless of the attrocities both sides have committed. I know that just pulling from a situation can be just as disasterous for a government than commiting to one." He rose from his chair and extended his hand, "If you can meet those conditions, then the Imperium will stand beside you in defense of our standing, not newly implied borders." Anisimovna thought intensely for a moment. The two year cooldown should give Telemachus enough time to divert the population's attention. And there was always the vast unclaimed reaches of space to the galactic west. But should she push Uther, knowing how tenuous his situation was? That was the question. But ultimately, the Commonwealth wished to secure his help, not his hostility. Then it was decided. "Very well, Grand Marshall. These terms are acceptable. Let us hope that together we can halt Faust's insanity."