[center][color=ec008c]Hotaru/Estonia Pokemart[/color][/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [hider=Hotaru's Team] [img]http://pldh.net/media/pokemon/gen6/xy-animated/092.gif[/img] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] PokeWallet: 300P 5 Pokeballs 5 Potions [/hider] Hotaru checked her wallet once more to make sure she had what she thought. It wasn't much but it was something. Rylen said he couldn't judge her or anything if she ever spent her money on a bonnet for herself but that will probably occur later on in the journey. Right now she had to make sure she got food and water for the both of them. She moved to the right hand side of the door and picked up a basket and proceeded to browse. She had to go easy on her decisions, getting the generic brands will have to do for now until she got more money. Perhaps she could do some training against other trainers in hopes of saving up enough money that later on she could actually more effectively help out. Seeing as Rylen was going to look for camping utensils perhaps he could pick up a pot or pan. Which made her decide to look at some of the canned food. At the rate of the prices she was wondering if she should just look for someone selling a rod and they could just go fishing. I mean the stuff wasn't overly expensive. She felt that perhaps she would invest in that though. It would save them money if they could catch fish in a decent lake or river. Then she saw something that wasn't too overly priced and could actually last them a good long while. Rice, it wasn't too expensive and it provided enough nutrition to get them by. She decided to get two bags and place them in the basket. Now that was there food. Now to see how much the mart's pokemon food was. Rylen did have a point with it being much better for pokemon. She wondered if they had specially made ones for certain pokemon. Like perhaps something made for ghost types or ground types. That would be cool if the mart had that kind of selections. Sure enough they did actually have those. I suppose when they say certain foods are made for certain pokemon they were not kidding. She began to compare prices once more to the different brands only picking out what she could afford knowing that she still had to get water. Luckily she had her backpack where she could store some of it but she might need some help. She was able to pick out enough for it to last the pokemon for awhile then they would have to share their rice. That was another 100 gone.. now for water. Lucky for her they had a sale on the water, it was a buy one get one free sale and it didn't even require a stupid membership. She hated those stores. Oh look we got tons of stuff for sale... oh your not a member well that sucks. She picked up four bottles and then headed for the counter. If that had only like one more member or two that could buy some supplies as well she wouldn't feel too bad on her small choices. She sighed and began to place the items on the counter. The clerk would in turn scan them and ring up the final price. The price pretty much made her flat broke afterwards taking up all of the 300P father had given her. This made her sigh once more. She paid the clerk and she raised a hand before he started to put it in bags. [color=ec008c]"I got a backpack,.. we will be traveling through route 2."[/color] She explained and the clerk nodded. [color=0054a6]"Ah,.. you must be one of them new trainers that just started today. Well I hope you have a safe journey."[/color] He responded and she bowed slightly. She began to put the items in the backpack and then zipped it up. Hopefully Rylen had better luck then she did. Then again he probably had more money then her.