[center] [i][color=crimson]Yuriya Yozora[/color][/i] [h3][i][color=crimson]百合夜 夜空[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/FhoFIPv.png[/img] [/center] [color=black]"Don't trust Him."[/color] [right][color=black]"Don't trust Him."[/color][/right] [color=black]"Don't trust Him."[/color] [center][color=black]"Don't trust Him."[/color][/center] [right][color=black]"Don't trust Hiiim."[/color][/right] [right][color=black]"Don't trust Himmmm."[/color][/right] [center][color=black]"Don't t-trust HhIm."[/color][/center] [color=black]"Don't trust H~~"[/color] [color=crimson]"Looks like someone slipped right down the sanity slope."[/color] Yuriya commented idly as they walked down the deserted hallway, the sound of ruble crunching under her feet being a constant source of annoyance as a deathly silence settled between the surviving students. [i][color=crimson]"They are most likely thinking on this message. Maybe, I'm the strange one for not being affected but, it's not like I trust on anyone, anyway. These words are plain meaningless."[/color][/i] The dark haired girl said as she followed her classmates to the Sciences Laboratory, taking notice of each one's behavior. Right at said laboratory, a new victim of the World of Wasted Dreams, writhed back to consciousness. Shinobu would find that the handle of the door she walked to was coated with a stick, red substance of unknown procedure, the ferrous smell however, making clear what it was. Right next to said door, there the body of a student, a boy not older than her (probably) missing both forearms and with a pained, terrified expression frozen on the leathery mask of his deceased face, long taken by rigor mortis. [color=000000]"Must not light fire, must not light the fire, must not light the fire..."[/color] A voice, that of a girl, came from the other side of the Science Laboratory. It belonged to another student, with a look of madness in her eyes as she clutched a fire axe against her chest, a pair of arms, holding a flask of alcohol and a key laid beside her. [color=000000]"I locked the door, to keep them out... side, but he did... light it. Fire, light... is... bad."[/color] The girl continued to mumble. For now it looked like she hadn't noticed Shinobu, but... for how long would that last? [hr] [center][@TheWindel], [@sakurasan], [@rechonq], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Unlucky0013], [@Lonewolf685], [@Skyswimsky].[/center]