[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0D6D83]Tom Fisher[/color][/b][/i][/h1][/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Infirmary[/center][hr][hr] as he heard Tryke's comment, Tom raised an eyebrow toward her, an impressed - almost proud look on his face as he saw her mouth the thank you. He figured she assumed Tristan would be more focused on yelling at him, she was probably right, they were never not at eachother's throats. He watched her for a moment as she moved out along with Crisna, turning his gaze back over to Tristan as he listened to the man for a moment. He cleared his throat for a moment, clasping his hands behind his back then as he listened to Tristan, speaking up in a clear and calm voice. [b][color=0D6D83]"I'm afraid that's not going to happen, Debute."[/color][/b] He let the words sink in for a moment, it was refreshing to be able to say something and put Debute in his place. [b][color=0D6D83]"Silvia is fairly confident that you were attempting to consciously invade her mind, and as a result - assault her, and the evidence i've seen on the cameras points to that as well."[/color][/b] He explained, plainly. [b][color=0D6D83]"As a result, your rank and privilege has been temporarily suspended while you are under investigation."[/color][/b] It was a struggle for Tom not to smile as he said the words, he hadn't exactly gotten rid of Tristan, but he'd taken him down a peg. In equal parts, Silvia's arrival had seemed to be both a blessing and a curse, she only hoped whatever luck they'd gotten from it continued.