Vada looked around the room and gave a small sigh laying back on her bed. The walls seemed to white for comfort and she made a mental note to request for them to painted to a more welcoming color, like pink or purple. Her bed sat against the large window which she kept covered with dark red curtains that reminded her of blood. It made her stomach turn to as she realized she was actually alone at this huge academy. Her brothers comforting spirit would not be around to hold her together. All she would have are the memories they shared in the home she was longer welcome at. Her luggage was stacked on the far end of the room by the dresser and she moaned as she stood up and began to put everything in their assigned drawers. Her mother wanted her to learn manners, to meet a nice vampire boy and make the King family even more powerful. Her parents were all about status and Vada knew her mother thought of her has the worst thing to ever come about in the blood line.