[h2][color=MediumSlateBlue]Raiden the Feraligatr[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Town Square][/b] [@Ninian] The dance show came to a fiery close, and Raiden added to the thunderous cheers and applause with his own loud clapping. The towering Pokémon stood up from the wall and began wadding his way through the crowd of ecstatic fans on his way to the Trunk's entrance. But something soon caused him to slow and look back at the mobbed dancers with a slight frown. [color=MediumSlateBlue][i]....I'll go say hi, give them a few coins, then I'll go find Genji.[/i][/color] Swiftly turning around and being careful not to accidentally smack any of the smaller mon around him with his wide tail, the gator shuffled through the crowds. Slowly edging closer to the Troupe until he reached what appeared to be the outer ring of civilians currently having an audience with each of the dancers. Glancing at the currently occupied Pyrrha, the Feraligatr shrugged and looked down to mess with something under his cloak. Soon one of his meaty scaled hands appeared from under the cloak from near his chest holding two objects. The same milky pearl and odd metal tube that were both attached to strings around his neck. Raiden's eyes glazed over as he stared at the two shapes for what seemed like an eternity in his foggy mind. He rolled the pearl around in his palm with his thumb, letting it fall through his fingers in favor of the tube this time. It's color was of a dulled brown, and featured a few small dents. It's aged and weathered appearance matching up well with the rest of the well travelled Water-type's equipment. A tiny latch at the top of the tube indicated the fact that the tube was actually some form of capsule that could be opened. A sigh escaped him as he quickly shook the fog out of his mind. Letting the tube fall back down under his cloak as the Big Jaw Pokémon turned his head back towards the Gardevoir dancer a good few metres away from him. It seemed like she was just finishing conversing with a Zangoose. A happy smile graced Raiden's cream colored maw as he began to slowly wade through the crowds to get to Pyrrha's location. Hand reaching down into his cloak again to fiddle with what sounded like a pouch of coins. Finally coming up to the fully evolved Psychic Fairy, Raiden waved a hand in greeting and smiled down at Pyrrha. [color=MediumSlateBlue]"Hi again Pyrrha. The show was amazing, just like I heard it was. You guys really pull out all the stops don't ya?"[/color] [h2][color=a0c9a1]Glyph the Flygon[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] [@Ninian] Applauding the ending of the show for a few seconds, the Flygon turned back towards his right hand mon and raised a claw. [color=a0c9a1]"Of course, Relm and his Troupe are our honourable guests for the next few days. Dinner will most likely begin in the next half hour."[/color] Adjusting the bag on his shoulder a bit, Glyph walked off towards the door back into the Guild. Turning his head and smiling at the injured Heliolisk as he got up to it. [color=a0c9a1]"I will be heading down to the kitchen to assist Dia in setting up. You are free to come help if you wish Robel, but if you would like to rest in your quarters until dinner that is acceptable as well. Goodbye for now, my friend. I hope you feel better soon."[/color] And with that, the dragon crouched slightly to shuffle in through the door and disappear back into the Guild. [h2][color=6193c7]Datsu the Toxicroak[/color][/h2][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Ninian] An odd, rumbling croaking noise emitted from the thief as he closed his eyes and stared at the ground just to the right of his shoulder. [color=6193c7]"....If you wish to know my honest opinion, the best way to proceed would be to do what we always do. [i]Spectate.[/i]"[/color] Looking up from the floor, Datsu stopped walking completely and smirked at the weasel-like mon. [color=6193c7]"You know that I have no interest in attaining 'ultimate power' or any of that sort of rubbish. I am a thief, and thievery only calls for dexterous hands and a deceptive disposition. I find that sort of raw strength would give me no benefit, and would only serve to draw attention; make us appear be 'super villains' which the public would not hesitate to retaliate against with lethal force."[/color] The smirk soon turned back into that unsettling toothy smile. [color=6193c7]"Besides, Alias, this does not necessarily become a threat to us. What would one of such power want with common crooks? No no, I foresee that the guardians murderer has bigger plans in mind, ones that would cause trouble for the folk of this town specifically. Of course, one cannot be too careful. The wisest plan of action would be to analyse the power of this mysterious individual, perhaps make another visit to Deeku's corpse to inspect the wounds before we flee this tree. Gauge the abilities of this Pokémon to find a way to simply counter their power and disable it. Wouldn't you agree?"[/color]