Miraculously, Vera found the ability to lead the both of them in a slow dance, much like an easy two-step, and he managed to avoid stepping on her toes, and she his. While her nerves were strained to their maximum limit, and her heart pounded like a war-drum, she couldn't help but notice how Shay hardly ever broke his gaze, in most cases, she would have felt...anxious, or nervous, but there was something different about him, one that allowed her to feel more at ease in his presence. Was it the fact that he was everything she had imagined in a gentleman? Good-natured, courteous, witty, humble, and kind? Or was it the fact that he had practically saved her life that night almost a week ago now? Whatever it was that made her feel that way inside, she had to admit, that as they moved across the dance floor in a fluid manner, she didn't want this feeling to end. Sam's need to speak with her could wait, because for once, she wasn't serving the rowdy patrons of the Tawdry, and as a rare opportune moment such as this, she wouldn't let it go so easily. Soft vibrations from the saxophones, and the even softer notes of the piano keys lulled her into a romantic mood, or at least the atmosphere certainly denoted one of such nature. When Shay spoke, she snapped out of the reverie that had ensnared her, and listened to his words. Unlike before they had taken to the dance floor, Shay's words were not hurried, though perhaps a bit hesitant this time around. Her eyes widened in surprise, to hear him thanking her sounded odd. Then again, they had thanked one another quite frequently during the past days. Yet as she gazed back at him, searching his own cool blue eyes for a sign of deceit, she found none, it was a genuine statement. A warm smile came over her as she replied, "There's no need to thank me." Moving so close together, provided with the solace of the gentle music, she hadn't need to raise her voice higher than a whisper. "I think... I needed this too." Rather unexpectedly, the arm she had curled around the exterior of his suit jacket, tightened, or rather, unseemingly pulled him in a little closer to her. While Vera did not notice right away, she became aware of his scent, whether he wore cologne, or the smell of his aftershave, perhaps even the smell of the suit, she could not tell which, lured her in. Like Hades to Peresphone. Now, instead of holding his hand in hers, her fingers wound themselves in between each of his, until their hands were clasped together.