[quote=@Shadow Daedalus] [@Gowi] So, now the only remaining issue is the name. I'm not sure what constitutes a simple name in a fantasy world, so would you care to give me an example, or something to work from? Also, Sterling said she was probably going to give up on her character because she didn't feel interested any more. [/quote] Oh. Well, here’s some of the examples that come to mind— Edawin, Andor, Harlik, Riaon, Krathon, Ivarn, Gurnor, Tyron, Trant, Rorik, Marald, Ararik, Skorm, Isdar, Brarnir, Baern, Styrn, Thonar, Zrefre, Lothar, Jarell, and Thoromir. The idea initially was the mix simple warrior-like medieval conventions (norse, slavic, lappish, east germanic) with fantasy like flavors. These names tend to feel different then tromani, forloni, aladori, etc. names which are more conventionally western/southern European influenced. [quote=@Shadow Daedalus]Addendum: Would It be entirely possible to change houses completely? I was thinking of moving Prometheus to House Blackwater (a Tromani House) and starting fresh or giving up with my House Lothlahr.[/quote] Yeah, if you wanted you could switch out to a forloni or tromani house easily. If you need information on the type of threats (for stress-induced white hair) let me know when you've decided. Note to Self: Write out some example names next time. [b]EDIT:[/b] Random half-assed naming examples even though its too late now are as follows... [hider=My Hider] Aladori: Rhelissa, Jhavek, Kalora, Diana, Zain, Roamin, Teresi, Kelas, Nandel, Kaitlyn, and Torvic. Forloni: Aldous, Tiberius, Cornelius, Ambeon, Jaycen, Alford, Sirenia, Geralt, Percival, Celana, Laelis, and Iaius. Hulevi: Caim, Auric, Sael, Davos, Canaan, Gon, Ieian, Raxia, Theodoric, Jaias, Ulan, and Anareliea. Phoeni: Eveima, Reina, Anora, Thaal, Salumin, Luda, Aludin, Eryah, Sachar, Jafar, Jaimes, Iyle, and Gianna. Tromani: Alexia, William, Pythia, Ydrian, Kara, Wynan, Orland, Riaon, Uther, Aleandra, Ilayna, Randal, Vaylin, Oriana, and Karn. Zkreli: Edawin, Andor, Harlik, Edaela, Riaon, Krathon, Ivarn, Gurnor, Tyron, Freya, Rorik, Marald, Ararik, Skorm, Ingrid, Brarnir, Baern, Styrn, Thonar, Lothar, Tarja, and Thoromir. [/hider]