[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h1][img]http://imagesmtv-a.akamaihd.net/uri/mgid:file:http:shared:mtv.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/tumblr_static_sideimage-1439221263.gif?quality=.8&height=225&width=500[/img][/center][hr][center] Location: A Rundown Motel; New York City Interacting With: [@Din] Nyt[/center][hr][hr]Edwina nodded, watching as the Cheetah woman was untied, and Nyt collapsed in the bed. Almost wishing she could join Nyt in the realm of dreams, she bit her lip, pulling out the burner phone she'd acquired a few days prior. She never kept one longer than a few days, in case Waller managed to trace the call. Punching in the number, she remembered the last time she had met with her uncle. He'd been in Arkham Asylum at the time, locked up for some crime or another, courtesy of the Gotham Bat. [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/57/2e/56/572e569078435f5c0488c05ad31f041f.jpg]Edwina[/url] had only been thirteen years old. Her parents had been unhelpful with her chemistry homework, refusing to pay for some sort of tutor. She knew her Uncle Jack had been a famed chemist, and after a few hours of travel on public transport, she was in Gotham. [url=https://67.media.tumblr.com/18c671ebe4df7fca04bc0137cd688c90/tumblr_o18f2gSY841qamlhro1_400.gif]Uncle Jack[/url] was one of the more notorious prisoners, she found out. And yet, the guards allowed her to meet with him. She shook away the memory, concentrating on the task at hand. [i]Ring....Ring...Ring....Click.[/i] Edwina flashed a nervous grin at the Cheetah and at Nyt, listening to the inane rambles on the other end of the line. [color=99ccff]"It's Edwina...Yes, yes, I know...I need your help robbing a...Yes, yes, I said [i]robbing.[/i] It's a bank. I've got the Cheetah, the Echo, and myself on the job....Great, thanks...Will do...Love you, Uncle. Yes, yes, I know...Tell Auntie I said hi."[/color] She hanged up the phone, and slid it in her pocket. All of these years, and she'd managed to keep her powers a secret from the Joker. She knew, of course, that he wouldn't let her go back to a normal life after witnessing them. But perhaps normality wasn't in the cards anymore. [color=99ccff]"It's done. We need to be in Gotham tomorrow. The only issue is the Gotham Bat, of course...But I'm assuming we can handle him,"[/color] Edwina said, eyeing the stranger.