[quote=@Shadow Daedalus]Will the name still be an issue, or is it OK because he's a prince and royalty usually have more fanciful names?[/quote] It's passable for tromani princes, sure. Maybe give him a forloni mother as a safeguard? [quote=@Shadow Daedalus]And some info on the danger in the northern areas would be greatly appreciated. What kind of animal or monster would attack him in the forest/woodlands, and what larger animal/monster would try to steal its meal?[/quote] Okay, just like in Aladore— the forests and hills of the Blackwater Vale are dangerous. There are still some bands of orcs, goblins, and the like; but also populations of furfolk who live in the woods. There are also thickets of human bandits (because humans are shitty) but the monstrous wildlife is the most dangerous. Smaller predators like dire vultures, harpies, ekalan lizards (lizards with metal-hard spikes alongside their back), ogres, dire wolves, vaws (land sharks), and the ususal fantasy wildlife persist alongside larger predators like cave/forest spiders, wyverns, raktar (dire turtle-lizard), and other varieties of bullshit. The weather is a bit colder; harsher due to the northern climate and the mountainous hills. So generally in terms of quantity it is likely that it could've been a group of wolves (or even dire wolves) that got attacked by a wyvern who had made its den in the woods. The Blackwater Vale is like [url=http://www.topgalleryphotos.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/mountain%20hd%20wallpaper-Foew.jpg]this[/url], [url=http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/369331d6-4b5a-4d03-8b22-fb8435812041/c860d1a7-4cb2-4437-800f-d9d953f57592.jpg]this[/url], and [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-odtNy_n3oPA/VXH_mHXw5KI/AAAAAAAAGms/fkmyW-vc1Mc/s1600/panorama_by_frankatt-d8bfv1y.png]this[/url]. Also new elven settlements like this are turning up: [url=http://img02.deviantart.net/4593/i/2012/077/f/9/eldt_by_kingcloud-d4t5ftd.jpg]click.[/url]