[center]Alexander "Alex" Hampton [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/d1f18549d57edc2f89ee0893827854ae/tumblr_inline_mx9m7nzZZt1squm6q.gif[/img][/center] He smiled at the crowd of people forming on the beach. A party like none they'd ever seen, more than likely. Alex sat in his camper, checking on a few last minute details. Mainly whether or not his hair was where he wanted it. After all, he'd be on television in just a few minutes. He turned his head in the mirror, checking that his dreads were being good little strands of hair in their hairtie. He shook them a bit, making sure they were secure before nodding with a cute smile at himself. [color=brown]"Killin' it, A."[/color] He told himself, winking and shooting fingers at himself comically. With a small chuckle, he walked to the exit of his camper and popped his neck as he exited, smiling at the now hordes of help trying to get him what he needed. A particularly cute guy was trying to ask him if he needed a drink or something. [color=brown]"If it's you getting it for me, I'm sure I'd drink anything."[/color] He told him, winking. With a chuckle, he walked on to greet the guests. He'd been on the island for a little under a week by himself now and it was nice to see some life to the island. The music was booming. A mixture of genres all meant to pump everyone up. The DJ was pretty good. Dressed in a worn tan v-neck shirt and khaki shorts, Alex looked every bit the hippie that he probably was. He never dealt very well with drama, but he liked the attention that being on shows like this gave him and he especially liked the concept of romance tested by the wilderness. What better way to say I love you than saving your loved one from a wild bobcat? Alex chuckled at the thought and moved on to the bar. He ordered a whiskey and sat back, talking mindlessly to the people around him. The boats were still bringing contestants in, but many had been here for an hour or two, waiting. This was the time they had to get to know one another and decide who they wanted to be paired up with. In two days time, they'd have to make their choice. It would be interesting none-the-less. [center]-***-[/center] [center]Megan "Max" Chen [img]http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lq55n5ThDE1qd2vzfo1_500.gif[/img][/center] [color=cyan]"OH CRAP! WAIT!"[/color] Max yelled, having nodded off during the ride over. The boat was about to undock and turn back to pick up more contestants when Max finally woke up. Jumping up from her seat, the rowdy female ran for the part of the boat still close to the dock and hopped over, nearly falling back into the water. Her arms flailed around wildly in a most comical style as she tried to keep herself on the dock. Eventually, she fell forward, landing on her knees. She grinned up at the woman who came over to help her up and brushed her off. [color=cyan]"I'm fine. Sorry for making such a fuss!"[/color] She told her, bowing out of habit. With that, she raced around the woman towards the sounds of music pumping and people chatting. Beyond excited for at least this bit of the show, Max was ready to dance her life away tonight. It would probably be the last time for a while that she'd be able to have some real fun. Maybe she'd be able to find someone that shared her opinions on romance. Someone that would be simple friends with her rather than expect more. Though... she rather doubted it considering the concept of the show. Silently, she cursed Lu Miao Xian. Damned guy liked to torture her for his own profit. She'd get him back for this somehow, some way. She found herself stopped near the DJ and his speakers, dancing happily by herself to the music. She was a small asian girl with short blonde hair and a constant smile on her face. Her pants were baggy and she had a sleeveless blank tank with a blue jean jacket covering it. It was her most comfortable outfit while still being fairly fashionable for the TV. If it was her choice, she'd be in sweats.