Hey everyone, I'm Bloody. I was looking for a site to rp on and came across the Roleplayer Guild. I'm not very good at Rping but I enjoy it a lot so hopefully I'll get better in the progress. Some rps I was looking to be a part of include pokemon, wolves, pathfinder, and high school topics. Um...*bows* I look forward to meeting a lot of you and possibly becoming friends. Some things I like are writing, drawing (anime/manga style), anime, manga, videogames (some of my favorites are Pokemon Blue/Silver/X, Harvest Moon: It's a wonderful life, Sonic Adventure, Bust-A-Groove, Powerstone, and Mortal Kombat), surfing the web (mostly watching youtube), listening to music (some of my favorites are Daft Punk, Gorillaz, and System of a Down), sleeping, animals, and eating. I'm still figuring out the site, so if I make mistakes, please don't hate me. @___@ *hyperventilates* Th-thanks for reading.... <_< >_> um...bye...