Hello there, as you can see I am a new member here. You may call me Spook, SS, Shadow or whatever you please, really. I was here years ago, and have finally come to a place in my life where I can be devoted to creating a world with one or two others. I will leave who I was behind me once again. I enjoy a challenge in most facets of my life, writing is no exception. I adore true horror, things that make your skin crawl and you to second guess humanity. I enjoy the dark. I love detail, character development and getting lost for hours at end in a made up world. I am here again to find someone who can catch and hold my interest. Who can captivate me with their words and make my heart race. I am here for a creative high and a break away from my everyday life. I'm a female. I work in the medical field. I live in the US. I have pets and a wonderful SO. I am happy to talk OOC but my primary goal is really getting into writing collaboratively with someone. I have been roleplaying now for over 15 years and plan for another 15 ahead. So hello once more, roleplayerguild, let's get weird. SS