[quote=@thewizardguy] All right, my intervention here. I'm going to talk to both Tyki and Tiny, and see if I can sort these matters out. In the meantime, let me mention some stuff. [@Letter Bee] I'm autistic, fairly severely so, and as such suck at interpreting signals. I cannot divulge people's emotions properly, and the information hidden in subtle messages most often passes right over my head. Insert Guardians of the Galaxy reference. My point is, over the internet, nobody can read your face. Nobody gets your tone of voice, nobody can judge your stance, nobody can see the reactive expression on your face when you look at something. All the little signals that you'd usually communicate to others are gone, and all that's left is literal information and emoticons. As such, many of the things you would think are obvious to us are not going to be obvious to us, to anyone, due to the lack of nonverbal communication. When communicating, assume that we're all stupid and oblivious, and have no clue what's going on. Don't assume we know anything you haven't explicitly told us, that way issues such as this cannot crop up, and we limit the degree of miscommunication. Also, bitch in my direction. Tiny's current GM, but I'm pretty much the rp help desk, and I'm more able to handle the bitching than Tiny, and more able to actually assist than Tyki. If you have an issue with a player, with the rules, with a GM decision, or anything else, bitch at me through Skype/Steam, or post a bitchy comment aimed at me in the OOC. I'll get the message, assist if I can, and relay the message to others if necessary. This applies to everyone on this thread. [/quote] Stop trying to portray me as in the wrong, Wizard. Edit: Will message you on Skype.