[hr][hr][center][h1][i][color=8493ca]Stone[/color][/i][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [color=8493ca][center][h3][i]Deep Forest[/i][/h3][/center][/color] Alek glanced around what had just been a combat zone. With the three flying monsters slain, nothing remained but the virtual breeze whispering through the treetops. The forest appeared to be vacant apart from their small group, which had now been bolstered by the two unknown players. Still, Alek figured it couldn't hurt to postpone carelessness. It was with no small amount of reluctance that Alek sheathed his sword, his prudence outweighing his caution. The last thing he wanted was to appear intimidating to the newcomers. With their journey only half complete, auxiliary steel would be welcome. After his acquaintances' brief introductions, he offered his own pseudo name. [color=8493ca]"I am called Stone."[/color] The girl, Janelle, appeared to be signing. He considered signing his introduction, but decided not to. If they turned out to be unfriendly, better for them to believe that a language barrier was present. [color=a187be]"What should we do?"[/color] she had inquired to her brother. That was the million dollar question. Even Alek could see no clear answer. Nonetheless, he would share his opinion. As Campanella had said, the group's navigational skills were obviously sub-par. However, that point could be argued for either perspective. Starkette voiced a similar opinion to the one Alek had in mind. [color=8493ca]"I agree. Besides, we are walking without path for some time now. Likely we will get lost as easily returning as we will pushing on. Since all first floor monsters are of similar difficulty, our odds are the same either way. Moving forward will probably benefit us more."[/color] Though he had lost a minimal amount of health fighting the bats, Alek still liked this option more than waiting until morning or going back. His endurance had yet to falter; he was still hungry for adventure. Whether the others would agree was unbeknownst to him. His proposition complete, Alek turned to Starkette, who had fought with him a moment ago. He was aware that her combatant had injured her slightly. She looked tense, afraid even. From the looks of things, it was probably her first fight. [color=8493ca]"You did well, are natural fighter. I am glad you are comrade."[/color] he spoke softly, hoping to calm her nerves.