[b]Kalmarthy system in Commonwealth Territory, Onboard the starship "Twitching Finger"[/b] The sensors picked up multiple signatures, it seemed to be a similar display of force, The Twitching fingers prepared to make a jump if the aliens turned out to be hostile, The Fleet Council would consider the rest of the ships in the system to be expendable..if the enemy missiles got too close the friendly missiles would attack the enemy ships. Fortunately, The Alien missiles seemed to have been disabled, The Aliens seemed to have a concept of Ceasefire unlike the great enemy. The "We seem to be getting some kind of signal from the alien ships, might be an attempt at communication" The Xenologist said "Running analysis now" The Linguistic cortex was an advanced computer program running on a state of the art server, a non-sentient AI optimized for pattern recognition it could do its job fast given significant information. While the Linguistic cortex was not capable of understanding what it analyzed THe other AIs on the ship could analyze the data and interpret it to get an idea of what an alien was trying to convey. The results came almost instantly, it was a small amount of information so it didnt take long to analyze. "Data analysis complete, pattern appears to be of artificial origin, first part of message seems to correlate with atomic structures of the first 20 elements, This is a strong correlation. The rest of the message cannot be deciphered at this time due to limited data. a possible correlation is that some of the message is referring to molecular structures however these molecular structures are not stable in standard environments. Another theory is that these are symbols of some sort, perhaps representative of the Atomic structures. The rest of the signal appears to be patterns of these 'symbols' Current most likely Correlation, a form of language much like that which many Kia use to communicate. If the patterns of symbols indeed equate to concepts or logical formulae We still do not understand what concepts and logical formulae they represent" "So they have given insufficient data, perhaps we missed something, Ship, Send a message back with standard first contact message 7b" The Fleet representative said. The Twitching finger sent a radio message to the alien ship composed of rapid pulses at multiple frequencies , The first series of pulses was a repeat of the alien message followed by the Numbers 1-1728, it would probably be pretty clear that they used a base 12 counting system. The message then attempted to demonstrate mathematics starting simple by demonstrating Addition, subtraction and multiplication. The pattern of pulses was on a slightly different frequency so the aliens would not get confused between symbols representing mathematical operations and symbols representing numbers. The message then explained basic logical equations using the math, Equals and Not Equal, Yes and No. The rest of the message was increasingly complex, the logical equations began describing spatial relationships, temporal relationships and epistemological relationships which allowed the communication of the idea of "Objects" the message began Describing various common astronomical objects using these equations before describing the concept of a starship and other technological devices. After that was an equation that described numerous simulated universes that if simulated would demonstrate Ecology and basic sociology, game theory and various other similar topics" Using the constructed logical language, the Twitching finger then sent a message conveying that the Twitching Finger was a Starship exploring space after its habitat was destroyed by illogical predators that did not eat. Firing missiles was not an attempt at true hostility but instead merely a display of caution. The Twitching finger and its allies Did not wish violence but if acted upon violently planned on returning fire. Then it asked if the alien ship understood the message.