Name: Mortainius Nicknames/Titles: The Magnificent, the King at the end of the Rainbow, the Vibrant Terror Appearance: Note: His Colors and designs change and are in constant flux Personality: Mortainius is...a bit eccentric to say the least. He is quite egomaniacal, with a passion for fashion and theatrics, but often too blinded by his own hubris to notice even the most glaring issues in his schemes, often times not thinking his plans through and going on instinct rather than knowledge. He has illusions of grandeur, but if it weren't for the colorful array of powers he possesses, he would be immediantly laughed offstage by any self-respecting individual regardless of morality. While he is undeniably deranged, he is prone to spouts of petty anger and isn't above doing petty things to others who have scorned him, even if it would be more advantagous not to do so. In otherwords, it wouldn't be inaccurate to picture him as a psychopathic man-child. He claims to be the epitomy of evil, even though he has a shockingly low tolerance to personal attacks. Abilities: Special Physiology: Mortanius is a skull infused with chaos magic, as such he has all the same immunites that an undead creature would have, i.e. not having the need to eat, breathe, or sleep, and granting him various immunities to poisons, nerve attacks, enviremental conditions, etc. However, due to his ties to unpredictable forces, his skull is highly protected by a plethora of magical barriers that can deflect most mundane attacks and has limited regenerative abilities, able to resurrect from ash, making it very difficult to permenatly kill him. Due to a combination of this and his offbeat nature, he is practically immune to all but the most powerful of psychic energies and is highly protected from other sources of chaos magic such as the Warp. The only known magic capable of breaking through his Chaos protection is an equal amount of Law/Order magic, chaos's complete antithesis. Body Integration: Mortanius is little more than a floating halloween decoration without a proper body to manipulate. As such, Mortanius always requires suome form of strucure he can take control of. Mortainus thus can integrate with any non-living organic or inorganic material, such as dead bodies or machines, to use as a makeshift "body". Though it doesn't neccasarily have to be humanoid, in order to use his preferred magic item, the Rainbow Rod, he needs to possess some sort of appendage that acts simarilly to an arm. Equipment: Rainbow Rod: The Rainbow Rod is a powerful and near industructable artifact overflowing with chaos magic created by Mortanius himself. The rod contains seven powerful diffrent rays, based on the seven colors of the rainbow, each carrying with it a particular set of powers. However, despite the immense power this rod contains, the effects are never exact. Whenever Mortanius uses the rod, due to the unstable energy, the power of the rays could work in unpredictable ways, not work at all, or even backfire. While the powers of the Rainbow Rod can be used for mundane purposes such as conjuring minor non-living items such as clothes and knick-knacks, trying to use it on any bigger scale is always a gamble. Listed below is what each of the rays do and what happens when there is a "mishap'. Red: Creates a ray of pure heat. Can melt through most metals and alloys with ease. Mishap: Can litterly explode in face (never damages the Rod). Orange: Bestows super strength to one or more individuals. Can make even a normal human capable of punching through dreadnought armor. Mishap: Can make those affected go berserk or raise anger levels. Yellow: Produces massive amounts of electricity. Mishap: Acts as an EMP, cannot use the Rainbow Rod again for a small duration. Green: Can regenerate organic material and causes plants to bloom. Can also be used to conjure either a small forest or giant vines to attack Mortanius's enemies Mishap: Disentagrates flesh and causes plants to die. Does not affect non-organic material Light Blue: Can create a minuature Category-5 Hurricane to decimate the battlefeild. Mishap: Dispells Oxygen in a large radius. Dark Blue (Indigo): Saps target strength and vitality. Cannot Kill in and of itself. Mishap: Saps user's strength and Vitality. Temperarily puts Mortanius to sleep. Purple: Transforms any none magical resistant non-organic material into another, such as turning lead into gold. Mishap: The user (if non-organic) is transformed. Otherwise, it has no effect. White: White is made by using all the other Rays at once. Rarely does Mortainus ever use this, and only in the most dire of circumstances. The combination of energy is higly volatile, even more than usual. When used, the Rainbow Rod can't be used again for a number of days. Mishap: Can destroy the user and everything around them. Can potentionally kill Mortanius. Allegiance: None...yet. (Secretly wants to prove himself to the Alliance of Conquerors) Edit: His Theme Song is Bonetrousle Edit #2: The original image no longer pops up, therefore I decided to use a different image