[img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/2af4/f/2016/221/7/1/ss_part_14_by_aaronmk-dad711w.jpg[/img] We head into night and really find no action. I fucked up somewhere in the stitching department though, that's for sure. Oh well. Other than Kanye and Broby snuggling together, not much to comment over. [img]http://orig09.deviantart.net/edeb/f/2016/221/4/b/ss_part_15_by_aaronmk-dad7120.jpg[/img] Day begins with Kanye West retreating for the shelter of home and the safety of the glowing screen of a computer to play Hearts of Iron 4. I imagine he'd play Ethiopia, but that's just me. Meanwhile outside: Andrew WK fires off his gun into the wilderness, screaming in Arabic which I imagine he just then learned. Weapon XI seems to have given up and began deviating from the master plan he discovered at the beginning of the games. He begs Broby to kill him, but Broby is compassionate and does not. Maybe Broby is the man with the master plan here today? Quibbles gets a free bomb from ISIS. This can't be good. And Stephen Hawking is chosen to die, as willed by Klairre. He joins Knight Shade, who died of starvation. The arena is safer with both dead. [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/f172/f/2016/221/9/0/ss_part_16_by_aaronmk-dad7121.jpg[/img]