It's just bad luck for the Splinter group that the three members who are strongest on paper (Lancelot, Friction and GodFist) chose to side with Champions. Still, at least there's nothing to say that it [b]has[/b] to come down to fisticuffs at dawn between the Champions and Splinter group. They all might act like adults and solve their differences with reasonable, measured discourse. [sub]Fat chance, I know, but there's always hope.[/sub] And on top of that members could always switch sides during the RP. If any of the three listed above switched sides for whatever reason it would be a far more balanced fight, at least where pure firepower is concerned. After all, one can't count out the Splinter group out of hand, as they seem like they have a far more specialised skillset, better for surgical strikes than the brute force the Champions can bring to bare.