Maybe working on something. [hider=WIP] [center][COLOR=965A38][h1][b]H[/b] E R A C L E [b]S[/b][/h1][/color] [img][/img] [COLOR=965A38][b][i]“Do not fear, my friends! For it is I, the destroyer of the wicked and unjust— Heracles!”[/i][/b][/color][/center] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]BIRTH NAME:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT]Alkaios Alcaeus[/INDENT] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]ALTER EGO:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT]Heracles[/INDENT] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]GENDER:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [indent]Male[/indent] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]AGE:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT]Ancient, although Herakles appears somewhere in his middle age.[/INDENT] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]COUNTRY OF ORIGIN:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT]Greece[/INDENT] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]ARCHETYPE: [/b][/u][/COLOR] [indent]Supernatural[/indent] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]ALLEGIANCE:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT]Splinter[/INDENT] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]POWERS/SKILLS:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [INDENT][b]Olympian Physiology[/b] — Heracles is the son of Zeus and as such carries much of the superhuman physiology he wields from such inheritance. He is resistant to magic, wields attributes such as super strength, accelerated reflexes, a healing factor, and inhuman endurance. However he does not wield the full abilities of Zeus due to the dilation of the blood following Zeus’ affair with a mortal girl, Heracles’ mother. [b]Legendary Combatant[/b] — Heracles is a legendary martial artist with a masterful sense of intelligence and cunning that many take for granted. He may be overzealous and pompous at times, but Heracles is an expert in hand-to-hand fighting within his style and talents as well as a master warrior with an expertise that ranges from swords to spears to maces to his uncanny talent with archery. He is best not underestimated. [b]Archaeology[/b] — Since Heracles has reawakened he has dedicated himself towards the study of the history, cultural progression, and innovations of his descendants, the Greeks. It comes to no surprise that alongside his friend and lover, Amelia Kastos, that he has become a force of resurgent greek archaeology; a fact that has put many of his modern enemies in fits of nervous anxiety. Through his expeditions and superior knowledge of Ancient Greece, he has gathered a small fortune based on ancient artifacts among other investments. [/indent] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]Equipment/Resources:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [indent][b]Cithaeron Armor[/b] — Known by various names and interpretations, Heracles’ armor is crafted from the pelt of the Nemean Lion which allows him full security of his body as it has been crafted into leather armor that covers Heracles’ torso from danger of threats origin of both mortals and gods. Through the old bronze bindings hangs the [i]Golden Fleece[/i] to serve as the armor's cape. [b]Lernaean Oil[/b] — A vial of blood from the legendary Lernaean Hydra that is said to be both toxic to all life as well as well counteractive to healing factors. [b]Resources[/b] – Due to his modern archaeological ventures among several successful investments Heracles has been quite affluent with a net worth reaching into millions of euros. He is not as rich as Poseidon’s secret ventures as a [i]billionaire[/i], though it is easy to say Heracles’ lack of need for money has led to him being frugal as well as successful. [/indent] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]Biography:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [indent]The rumors about Heracles’ failures, achievements, and adventures have been grossly exaggerated; or at the very least told incorrectly to sleight his name. WORK IN PROGRESS!!!![/indent] [COLOR=965A38][u][b]Special Notes:[/b][/u][/COLOR] [indent]---[/indent] [/hider]