Isaac and Kuhn threw the sleeping Chester in the other cell - he was still asleep when he hit the cold stone floor with a heavy thud. "He could sleep through a storm, huh." Kuhn stated, as Isaac shrugged "After a night of drinking like that, he sure could." " He drank you under da' table, I heard. How embarrassing" Isaac hissed, drawing his sword, Kuhn put his hand on his shotgun on his thigh, both of them drew their weapons and pointed them at the other in a blink of an eye. "He cheated!" Isaac shouted. Kuhn smirked, from under the shadow of his hat. "Tsk. I heard you and Jeko were up to your regular tricks." Kuhn began "I don't think you've beaten anyone in a honest drinking contest, you lightweight." The gunner taunted, as Isaac gritted his teeth, about to attack. "Cut it out!" Goldenrod shouted, with a gunshot ringing. "WHY" Jeko cried from a few feet away. "Leave him be. Newgate, out of here. Leave the [i]pretty boy[/i] to watch the prisoner. Call for me as soon as he wakes up." Goldenrod insisted. "Whatever" Kuhn responded, holstering his weapon as Isaac did the same. "This ain't over, Cyclops." Isaac told Kuhn. "Quiverin' in my boots." Kuhn grabbed the chair and sat down, leaning against the bars on Chester's new cell. He was taking apart his revolver and cleaning it, tinkering with his different bullets for quite some time, the drunken pirate waking up on the other side of the gate. "D-Drink.." Chester wheezed, his mouth dry. Kuhn lazily shove a bowl of water across the floor to him. Chester took one sip, then spit it out "T-This is water!" He exclaimed, and Kuhn snorted. "Duh. What else would it be" "I can't drink that, give me booze!" Chester commanded, and Kuhn laughed. "Aren't you hungover?" "That's why I need the booze" "Sorry, can't. I'm supposed to call the boss once you've waken up." "I'm going back to sleep then. Wake me when you got booze" "What" "Zzz" Kuhn, dumbfounded by the once again fast asleep drunk, he walked into the cell, poked him with his steel-toed boot, before softly kicking Chester in the ribs. To no avail. "This son of a bitch." He commanded. He saw some schmuck from the Whitney Warriors walk past, and Kuhn blew a whistle at him. "Hey, servant!" He called. "I'm no servant, I'm Mikael, a proud member of the Whitney Warriors, and you, you dirtbag, should treat me with the respect I deserv-" Kuhn cut him off by putting his newly reassembled revolver's barrel against his forehead in a lightning quick motion. "If I call you servant, the only thing you'll say is 'what can I do for you, sir'. You got that, shitbag?" To prove a point, he pulled back the hammer on his pistol, and pulled the firing ping. "Bang." He said, as the gun clicked. "Oops. I only put in five rounds. Suppose you got lucky. Won't happen again. Now, go fetch me a bottle of grog." Kuhn sat back down as he waited for the warrior to return. "Idiot."