[@Spinna][color=8dc73f]"I know, right? The suspense! The drama! This is great! I would pay to see this if I weren't beyond this big wall with the number four on it!"[/color] [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] [hider=Spoilers for Earthlings Episode]OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!I-IJUSTCAN'TBREATHE!IOMGTHATWASAMAZINGANDHORRIFYING!!! *foams at mouth from fangirl-ing so much. SMOKEY QUARTZ WAS AWESOME! PERIDOT WAS AWESOME! GEEZ JASPER! WHY?! Well...THAT happened! And what the heck happened to Pink Diamond?! Never have I felt so sorry for the gem before... *looks to Candice who is now hugging Mars tightly. She is clearly scared of losing Mars to corruption*[/hider] [/quote] [hider=erflegs] Smokey Quartz reminds me of an adolescent Sardonyx. Giant yoyo as a weapon? Great! Apparently Jasper worked for [color=f7941d]MY DIAMOND? YOUR DIAMOND! PAAAANK DIAMOND![/color] Peridoot was the one who brought down Jasper with a lucky shot. [img]http://i.imgur.com/xb7ZitX.gif[/img] I think that Jasper got corrupted because, since corruption is basically cancer, but worse(!), being part of the corrupted fusion would've given it to her. And last, but the opposite of least.... EVERYONE'S FAVORITE HOMEWORLD GEMS ARE BACK! GIVE IT UP FOR THE RUBIBBLES! I mean, you guys had to see this coming, right? They probably found out that Neptune is made of gas. It probably took them a few days longer than most people would, but that's why they are so wuvable <3 I may really, really like the Rubibbles, as I have dubbed them. They're all just great. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, and yes, even you, Ruby. [/hider]