[@Spinna][@Kronshi][@Vocab][@sevenstormstyle] Strengite was glad to have been finally noticed though the suggestion of simply jumping down didn't seem as far fetched now that he thought about it. He had no idea really what he was capable of so maybe he could just jump down? That didn't matter anymore however as one of the Gems below readied themselves to catch him. With closed eyes and a good amount of fear Strengite let go of his hold on the wall and dropped down towards the Gem below him. He also stopped relaying his position to the voice in his mind from before as he focus was broken from the fall. As Strengite landed he gave a small wave to the others in the group and gave the gem whom had helped him a nod in thanks as he couldn't actually verbally thank them due to his recently discovered impediment. He began looking over the other Gems more carefully as he hopped out of the arms of the Gem whom had helped him down. The lot looked vastly different from each other but Strengite assumed that was normal as none of them were freaking out due to this fact but it was still odd for him to see all of these other Gems that were so vastly different from himself.