[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff]Edwina Fairfax[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/d2b936a30cd67a714d5f6749f7dfa284/tumblr_moynd6f2OY1rftvr1o3_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center] Location: A Rundown Motel; New York City ---> Amtrak heading to Gotham Interacting With: [@Din] Nyt, Cheetah Woman[/center][hr][hr]Edwina tossed a pillow to the Cheetah woman, nodding at her. She paced back and forth for a while in her room, the chilling sound of her uncle's voice still sending a shiver down her spine. Rubbing her arms, the lights in the room began to flicker, and she paused, forcing herself to take calming breaths. It wouldn't do for their room to turn into one gigantic strobe light. It'd practically be screaming at the Suicide Squad to come and find them. [color=99ccff]"Hurt us and I'll show you how much like my uncle I really am,"[/color] Edwina said quietly, sitting next to Nyt on the bed. Her face softened a bit, though, realizing she never even knew the name of the mysterious woman. [color=99ccff]"What should we call you? You can call me Eddie."[/color][hr]The night passed without much more alarm. Edwina had eventually lulled herself into a restless sleep, rising at four in the morning. From the train schedule she had memorized, the earliest train would be leaving in just under half an hour, headed towards Gotham. From the station, her uncle would meet them. Of course, she hadn't yet chatted with her new friends about how her uncle tended to make his appearances. She didn't want to worry them. Joker Gas tended to worry people whenever her uncle brought it out to play. If all went well, he'd show up in disguise, not needing to make a display.... ...But then again, it would've been odd for him not to make a fuss. The early hours of the morning passed as well, and in less than an hour, the odd trio were on the train, headed towards the destination. Edwina concentrated on making the slightest changes to their appearances in the eyes of the camera--they all appeared to have dark skin to anyone watching. Fortunately, the train's journey was short. She wouldn't need to keep it up forever. [color=99ccff]"We're almost there,"[/color] Edwina smiled, picking at a bit of dead skin by her nails.