[center] [h1]Rodan's Monster Encyclopedia[/h1] [h1]SLIMES[/h1][/center] The creatively named “Slime” is a common monster, capable of being found in many different variations throughout multiple climates. Most Slimes are simply amorphous blobs of viscous, translucent goo. While a “young” slime feeds by absorbing and breaking down plant life, Slimes that have grown large enough to possess a proper “core” (believed to be a hybrid heart-brain in matured Slimes) often move on to consuming animal matter. Due to the poor durability of the average Slime, combined with its reputation as a “beginner monster” for Hunters, they don’t usually grow to be particularly large. As such, larger variants like the “Giga Slime” are a rare sight, and it is even rarer to actually see the process by which larger slimes actually form. Researchers have theorized that giant-sized Slimes are actually composed of multiple Slimes that have combined into one consciousness. The variety of Slime properties, coupled with the ease at which the run-of-the-mill Slime can be dispatched, has led to many “productive” uses of Slime for use in a plethora of things like adhesives, soaps, liquid storage and, in the case of some particularly rare variants, aphrodisiacs. In fact, there are “Slime Ranchers” who cultivate Slimes for the very purpose of selling the creatures’ goo.