Here's the first of things. I'll get the other chars later [hider=Faction] [b]Name:[/b] Goa'uld Star Empire [b]Leader:[/b] Supreme Commander Ba'al [b]Goals:[/b] Conquest of the Multiverse, exploitation of the populations therein, other general evilness [b]Troops:[/b] Jaffa - The Goa'uld ground forces, these are essentially made to be cannon fodder. Their plasma weapons aren't particularly effective, but they do have some level of toughness to them due to the Goa'uld larva that they play host to. They are also very loyal to their ruler, whom they see as a God. Kull - The elite shock troops of the Goa'uld Empire, these are warriors specifically bred to kill, and they're more like berserker machines that you point at whatever you want dead, and then let them go until they get killed or keel over from their body shutting down. They tend to be equipped with energy shields and plasma weapons, and even a single Kull can be a formidable foe. [b]Important Members:[/b] [i]Supreme Commander Ba'al[/i] - The leader of this whole shebang. Cunning, ruthless, actually an alien parasite, a self aware egotistical and almost cliche evil megalomaniac [i]First Prime Teal'c[/i] - Ba'al's First Prime and a Jaffa. He is talented, extremely loyal, and would fight to the death for Ba'al. [i]Qe'tesh[/i] - Ba'al's Queen. She's also a egotistical and cliche evil megalomaniac, but without the self awareness. Ruthless, merciless, power hungry. She'd stab her own husband in the back for power if she felt like it. [b]Tactical Advantages:[/b] Reverse Engineering - The Goa'uld have shown a marked ability to take other peoples stuff and adapt them for their own purposes, as they did back in their home universe. This can include technological developments on top of discovered ones, and while it may take some time they can make great strides. Getting real tired of your Machiavellian BS - Due to the nature of Goa'uld politics, rife with backstabbing and powr plays, the Goa'uld have become quite adept at deception, underhanded tactics, and doing sneaky stuff to take out their opponents and get what they want Loyalty - Beyond the squabbling up above, the hierarchy that comprises the common society is very much loyal to whomever they swear fealty to, even to the point of seeing Ba'al and his fellow rulers as Gods. It took many years and calamities to shake this faith, and Ba'al has done his best to prevent that from happening this time around. [b]Tactical Disadvantages:[/b] A Band of Thieves - The people at the top have this annoying habit of stabbing each other in the back, which can be a general hindrance on the whole united front schtick. Weakness is a liability. Rigid Doctrine - Did I mention these guys are egotistical? It takes them a while to adapt to new opponents using tactics they haven't had experience dealing with before. [b]Origin:[/b] Stargate: Continuum [/hider] [hider=Saten Ruiko] [b]Name:[/b] Saten Ruko [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A normally outgoing and friendly person, who is superstitious and has a knack for getting involved in things that aren't usually her problem. She is good at reading the atmosphere and a bit shameless when it comes to her friends. She is possessive of the power that she has gained for herself, but the slippery slope she embarked on through the use of the Level Upper has begun to balance out now that she is no longer under its influence [b]Abilities:[/b] Aero Hand - An Esper ability that allows one to ceate ejection points for air on an object with a touch. This can be used to propel objects through the air, or to simply create blasts of air when an object cannot be moved. There tends to be a delay depending on the user, and the strength is also dependent on a users level. Originally restricted by her use of the Level Upper program, she was given full access to her innate powers by Nova [b]Equipment:[/b] An MP3 player with lots of music and the Level Upper program [b]Origin:[/b] To Aru Kagaku no Railgun [b]Theme Song:[/b] optional [/hider]