[quote=@Fionraella] Sacha chuckles slightly. "True. Fabine doesn't like to forget things like that..." she shakes her head as her memories of their time together try to invade. She clears her throat as they reach the town. "Alright, well this is where I leave you Jett. " [/quote] Jett nods wordlessly. He'd managed to go years without having to say goodbye to Sacha, and now all of a sudden, here he was. He pulled his backpack over his shoulders firmly, and took a breath as he stared across the street at the brightly lit storefronts. He turned to her and gave her a nod before stepping out into the street, when he suddenly froze. Unable to control himself, he whipped around and grabbed her wrist, pulling her closer to him. He pressed his lips against her's fiercely, but gently, and held the back of her head with his other hand. After a long moment, he slowly pulled back and met her icy gaze with no regret. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He wasn't exactly sure what he was apologizing for, but it was much easier to say than 'goodbye'. Turning his back to her once more, he continued across the street. Once he stepped up onto the sidewalk on the other side, he paused, and started to glance over his shoulder, but he stopped himself.