[center] [h3][b]Dragons[/b] [/h3] [img]http://feelgrafix.com/data_images/out/6/791461-dragon-fantasy.jpg[/img] [/center] [hider=Introduction and brief history] Dragons are one of the most fearsome creatures that dwell on this world, perhaps even more so then the demons if not for their fewer numbers and scarcely going out of there way for conflict. The relationships between most races and dragons are mixed, both feared and respected. Some cults have tried to worship dragons, or brave warriors tried to tame these beasts, and even to this day such tradition exist, though more so of the latter. Dragon tamers are rare, as it is not only difficult to get to the dragon region, but taming one is nigh impossible and requires much patience and luck, though most end up dead before they can even ride one. Some forms of magic have been devoted to the aspects of the dragon, as mages curious of their strange blend of natural biology and magical affiliation so naturally. While the end times have caused dragons to be even rarer then they once were, and believe me when I say most would rather go deep into the helscape then to seek out the land that they dwell. The Ancients have a long tradition of dragon slaying, perhaps harboring the most infamous warriors to face such terrifying beasts. [/hider] [hider=Biology and classification] Dragons are unique in that they are in many ways magical as well as natural, it is unknown how or why dragons possess such qualities, and such topics have drawn the attention of many scholars across the centuries. Biologists aren't sure where to classify dragons, while they are very close to the squamata group (snakes and lizards), there is much debate over whether to put them within the squamata classification, or a cousin classification to the group instead. Regardless, Dragons are reptiles. All dragons have a unique affiliation with fire, even to those who can't breathe fire or have an affiliation with opposing forces like ice. As a result they have an undefinable heat resistance, or immunity, as it seems impossible to burn or damage a dragon in any way or form by heat alone, be it intense flames, molten rock of a volcano, or intense magical beams, they do not burn or melt under the intense temperatures. All dragons also have an undefinable lifespan, they show no evidence of being hindered by old age and in fact never stop growing (like most reptiles in fact) though as they get to a certain threshold on their species they tend to slow down the growth rate exponentially. Obviously, dragons can stand the test of time and can 'potentially' live forever, though of course they are not immortal and it is statistically impossible for them to live 'forever', they live until something kills them. Be it disease, another dragon, a powerful demon, or a brave mortal. As for their breathe weapons, fire breathing is a common trait amongst dragons. Though other species may have other variations of a breathe weapon, such as poisonous flames, frosty air, hot vapor, or streams of electricity just to name a few. However not all species have a breathe weapon Despite legends, dragons are [b][u]rarely[/u][/b] sentient, and even fewer can speak, most are wild animals with intelligence no greater then that of a canine, however all dragons have a magical connection with the draconic language, an ancient and arcane language that is often used for rare spells, usually dracomancy. Any dragon, even the primitive ones, understand the language, and with the right arcana those words can turn to power. Additionally it is easier to command a tamed dragon with draconic rather then to teach it commands in other languages. It should be of note that nowadays there is no sentient dragon whatsoever, only primitive species being a reminder of their glory. There size for most have scaled down significantly and rarely would one see a species bigger then 50 feet. Species can vary greatly, and even those of the same species can look very distinct with various assortments of features expected from there kind. Some species may have, but not limited to, a variety of horn displays, spikes, scale types, color patterns, and other such details differentiate with each individual. This makes it easy to distinct one dragon from another. The scales of the dragon can vary in form, texture, and durability. However many dragons have hard, metal-like scales as a sort of natural armor. Such scales are difficult to penetrate with even high quality weapons. Though all dragons with this natural armor usually have a weak spot of soft scales, in most cases this would be the soft underbelly, which will usually appear different then the other scales it possesses. Since they are cold blooded, they do not do well in cold environments. Though there are some exceptional species in ages past where snow was common, most tend to freeze to death rather quickly. The desert nights tend to harbor unexpected cold drops which has lead to the extinction of many dragons. [/hider] [hider=Dragon Types] [hider=Wyverns] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRldlc7YozJTa0EzaxzRHzPdryobjK_g9O49MJgV02VwAsiMXTZ7A[/img] -Note that wyverns are considered lesser dragons, rather then true or greater dragons. Most wyverns are bipedal, two legged dragons, and bear wing-modified arms either below or above the torso. Wyverns are typically smaller compared to most other types of dragons, though some species can grow exceptionally large. They all are generally swift and agile, perhaps the fastest type of dragon at least in flight. Some variations have been known to have venemous properties or breathe bolts of lightning, but most species are less remarkable, with the exception of a standard fire breathe weapon that a good deal of species. Wyverns are also one of the most docile dragons, and less territorial. Many wyvern species often roost on the same spot, and may even hunt together in small pairs or groups. Few species have shown frequent aggression to mortals, unless out of desperation or self-defense. [/hider] [hider=Hellkites] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/0968/f/2008/041/d/d/dragon_mountains_by_higherdepths.jpg[/img] Perhaps one of the most feared variations of dragons aside from wurms, hellkites are the typically four legged dragons with a pair of wings. Hellkites almost always have a breathe weapon and it is usually of fire variety. Hellkites are known to nest on summits, large caves, or open plateus, and are extremely aggressive and territorial. They are the most sought after for mounts to their balance of movement and power, though due to their territories keeping them spread far apart from each other they are quiet rare to see, and they tend to be exceptionally dangerous to anything that moves, even smaller dragons. Their size between species can vary greatly from 40 feet long to 200 feet long. They also tend to be the most well depicted in culture. [/hider] [hider=Longs] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIXpgiW-xvR3zOlycn41mDLHbIlTOVLMcDnNN9C8fe5RLS5bys[/img] Also known as the oriental dragon, Longs are usually four legged and lack wings, yet they can fly through air as if it were water. Longs are the most peaceful of dragons and tend to have a higher chance of being sentient. Rarely are longs aggressive to any but their natural prey, and there are many tales of Longs saving innocent mortals from dangerous encounters with demons. [/hider] [hider=Wurms] [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3KbM3ZLgIxbeBR4VrgiJDkyXp_ZoxQJj44n9CzgBxyR9vYduLZw[/img] The most dangerous of dragons, wurms are gigantic serpentine reptiles, though some may resemble a worm more then a dragon, others may resemble a snake. Species have a wide range of habits, some slither along the surface, some dwell the few large bodies of waters left as sea serpents, others may dwell and tunnel underground and surface only to gorge upon whatever their gluttony demands. It is common for most species to be well over a 100 feet, in fact the largest wurm ever recorded in the past 5 centuries was one of 1,200 feet in length and 100 feet in diameter. They rarely have a breathe weapon and tend to have squishery scales (except for the snake-like ones) then other dragons, but there brute size and ferocity makes them legendary beasts with little competition. Most wurms are blind or have poor vision, especially those that live underground. They have sensory organs that can detect vibrations and movements from miles away, and like other dragons there tongues have a great sense of smell. [/hider] [hider=basilisk] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQA4GhxL3UCAl0wFsbCVS0BBBaGLOpkNsvLbcNVOaQjc_r5w-T7Q[/img] though infamous for there 'stone vision' very few species actual have this trait. A species with the trait can change its eye color to a bright variation of color, and when activating like this, its magic takes effect to any living creature that takes a look into these attractive eyes. The victims are suddenly turned to stone and turned into stasis. The only way to free the creature is to break their statue-form, which surprisingly returns them to a perfect condition regardless of how the statue was broken. However this matters little when they end up in a basilisks' belly. Most basiliks have at least some sort of toxic quality, such as venemous fangs, poisonous blood, acidic saliva, toxic breathe, and even multiple unique variations of toxicity. There are three sub-variations of basilisks. Lizard-like basilisks are four to six legged beasts and may even possess wings in some forms. Snake-like basilisks are, essentially, snake like. They basically resemble giant snakes, sometimes mistaken as small wurms. cockatrices resemble a mix between a wyvern and a bird, with basilisk properties. Though they are reptiles, they possess pseudofeathers that give them their bird-like appearance, and share other traits like beaks and talons. [/hider] [hider=Tarragons] [img]http://img02.deviantart.net/d68c/i/2010/070/b/6/only_a_dragon__by_grzanka.jpg[/img] Dinosaur-like bipedal dragons, usually with two legs and two arms without any wings. Tarragons have a primeval atmosphere to there appearance, though they otherwise resemble upright hellkites. Sometimes they can be confused as hellkites that stand on their hind legs with certain species. [/hider] [hider=Salamanders] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQbckg8cy4kzu5kIX1SGkm8r5TqqUecK8NYTxJ--VqYaUJWrrlMhA[/img] Salamanders are four legged, lizard-like dragons that otherwise resemble hellkites. In fact it is uncertain among scholars if Salamanders are a variant of wingless hellkites. They have a wide variety of size and habitats, and have a common exhibit of fire breathing. Some tend to be semi-aquatic. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Mutations] Not complete Mutations are any number of traits that can occur in almost any species of dragons, mutations happen randomly usually without much genetic link, with some exceptions. There is no limit on how many mutations one could have, for example one could have, in theory, almost every single mutation there is. However a single mutation alone is [i][u]extremely[/u][/i] rare. Especially in the modern era. [hider=Hydra] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/ficspecies/images/f/ff/Z_hydra-1-.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/334?cb=20110920012132[/img] [img]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj555Tvp7fOAhXJWSYKHaVKCywQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fdragonsdogma.wikia.com%2Fwiki%2FHydra&psig=AFQjCNFPcnjxT1LMM_D-Ml_D7aTb-qDVqA&ust=1470934378189604 [/img] One of the more 'famous' mutations, the Hydra mutation mainly causes a dragon to be born with 2 or more heads. Depending upon the variation of this trait, the heads may either be all connected under one conscience, or each head is its own individual. Additionally, hydras tend to regenerate naturally faster then other dragons, though the rate of regeneration varies. Some can regenerate a major wound in a few days, while others can recover in one hour. More advanced and rarer expansions of this mutation can even have the hydra regenerate its heads overtime. However if all heads are cut off at once or a vital organ like its heart has been destroyed then it shouldn't be a problem. [/hider] [hider=Elemental] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/81cd/f/2013/300/e/f/water_elemental__dragon_by_damie_m-d6s1li6.jpg [/img] Elemental dragons are dragons that are infused with at least one elemental or magical aspect. Dragons of this mutation become much more magically bound then biological compared to those without the trait. Their outerscales can even become more affiliated with the elemental and they tend to have powers based on the element they are now affiliated with. Fire dragons are even more so affiliated with flames then others. Elemental dragons also tend to have vulnerabilities based on other elements or factors that are considered weaknesses to the element. For instance, ice is weak to fire. Even though ice dragons cannot burn, as they still are dragons, the heat can still weaken their power and drive them into an conscienceless state. [/hider] [hider=Fae] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTZ5YLy489qW0X75Fqc7scUjbxHun-xct7718qnnbnKEffANz0l[/img] Fae dragons are dragons that have been born with an affinity towards fae magic, their appearance and abilities and thus reflects that affinity. Fae dragons tend to be smaller as well. [/hider] [hider=Spiritual] [img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/367/367531-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Similar to Fae mutations, though this has three subcategories of demonic, angelic, and mystic. Demonic dragons are influenced by demonic forces or dark affinities, and they resemble much like a creature from the helscape, and like Fae dragons, they have an affinity towards the demonic. Angelic dragons are the same idea, only with holy and divine affinities instead. Mystics are more of a neutral type influence, the closest affinity to them would be something related to ghosts. They tend to be transparent and at some points may be able to become intangible. [/hider] [hider=Drosian] Dragons with an extra amount of limbs, and/or other extremities such as tentacles, strange body posture/build, and other deformities that could consider it a different species from any other dragon type. [/hider] [hider=Sentience] Extinct mutation, self explanatory [/hider] [hider=Gargantuan] Extinct mutation (hopefully), dragons with this mutation tend to be much more massive then others of its species. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Drake Valley] Coming soon [/hider] [hider=Examples of species living outside drake valley] Coming soon. [hider=Fog raptors] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/a6e4/i/2010/066/9/5/bipedal_dragon_concept_by_woodenduck.jpg[/img] A small species of Tarragon, usually standing at 4-5 feet in height, and 7-11 feet in length. They have a simple design and have softer leathery scales compared to larger and tougher dragons. Fog raptors are pack hunters that hunt during the dark, a pack of fog raptors can range anywhere between 3 to 20 individuals. They can be identified from a great distance away from their frequent shrill screeches and light roars when the pack coordinates hunting down prey. Though they rarely stray away from oasis locations in the desert region, farmers are cautious of these little bastards of taking cattle. They compete occasionally with desert canines, and are often hunted for a great price for there head and hide. Their best senses are their hearing, as they can not only hear at a much broader level of sound, but at greater distances too. They get the name 'fog raptors' due to their tendency to strike unsuspecting travelers in a rare foggy night in the desert. [/hider] [hider=Sand Wurms] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7ej3soRqsYICZZnKVAMfl7xJW1vDDIAfFTRZk_b4FyVO04YW5[/img] Most modern wurms are actually Psuedo dragons, essentially distant cousins of dragons instead of being truely in the same classifications. Though they much resemble the true-wurm counterparts, they have a much smaller affinity with fire and the draconic bloodline. The most common and dangerous psuedo-dragon to encounter in these parts, Sand wurms are massive predators. The average adult tends to be anywhere between 300-500 feet long, and possess large pincers that can break through tough stone and dirt over a circular mouth of rows and rows of massive teeth. They tend to be ambush predators, Resting with their head facing up about a good dozen yards away from the surface of the desert. When they detect something large enough for them to consider food enter the radius above them for its trap, the Sand wurm then gorges down the sand, opening its mouth to suck up the prey along with the earth it consumes, the pincers rise at this point to help trap the prey in the sinkhole-like effect of the sand wurms trap. However should the prey escape or the sand wurm is desperate to feed, they will rampage through the desert, sometimes slithering on the surface but mostly diving up and down like a large elongated whale through sand and stone, leaping into the air and falling back down until they catch their target or targets in a massive gulp. The tracks of sand wurms are massive underground tunnels that are a bit larger then the wurm itself, as well as the shed skin cast (as all dragons shed their skin like lizards) that can be found in 'active' tunnels. [/hider] [/hider]