[b]Character Name[/b] Sam Alkin [b]Age & Sex[/b] 32 - Female [b]Trade[/b] Farmer [b]Species[/b] Shapeshifter [hider=Appearance] Human Appearance - http://imgur.com/RPJMar7 Animal Appearance (dog) - [img]http://www.wolfstraum.net/img/basha%20walk%209%2016.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b] To many who knew Sam Alkin on Erellon would use any of three words to describe her: Protective, unsociable, prickly. To many who have dealt with her shortly, they would use the latter two. She doesn't have much time for people who she doesn't know, and will often be gruff and short in her manner with them, often completely disregarding any polite small talk they try to strike up. However, towards the few friends that she does have, she is very friendly and loyal if not the most talkative. She will support any friend in need, but does not choose friends lightly and often takes a lot of time to truly get to know somebody and accept them as a friend. She is often most comfortable in her animal form, and prefers to be out in the wild instead of trapped within buildings. [b]Past History[/b] Sam had a relatively normal upbringing. She was raised alongside four other siblings, three brothers and a sister. Their parents worked as trackers, and expected their children to continue on their work when they were able to. However it soon became clear that Sam and her brother Artur were not cut out for the job, often making mistakes and ruining days of hard toil. Their parents tried to help them, but soon realised that if they were to become successful in life then they would have to find another profession. By pulling some favours they were able to get both Artur and Sam an apprenticeship at a local farmers, and both found that they excelled at the work. When the farmer and his partner died, (as they had no children) Sam and Artur took over the farm. They worked the land together, and prospered on the farm for seven years. They were looking to take on their first set of apprentices when tragedy struck the family and a fire took the lives of their siblings and their mother. Although they had been adopted into another family, they had kept in contact and were still close with their original family. The loss struck both of them hard, and they went into mourning in their different ways. When Sam heard about the expedition back to Earth, she was thrilled. She could think of nothing better than to get away from the depression that had fallen over their life on Erellon, and she tried to persuade her brother to come with her too. He had different ways of coping though, and decided to stay behind and face his problems alongside his soon to be wife. Sam was torn between staying with Artur or leaving, but her brother recognised her conflict and persuaded her to go. Though she left him behind with a heavy heart, she resolved to make a new start. And where best, but on another planet? [b]Requested Items[/b] Large packs of vegetable seeds Farm equipment such as plough, etc. Simple durable clothing Her personal Tutori (Erran), and her Bano (Oron) [b]Pertinent Skills[/b] She is skilful at farming and has a natural talent at working with animals. She also has very good stamina, making her able to travel long distances or get a large amount of work done in one day.