A few other people were in the courtyard wandering around, mostly teachers and a student here and there. It was quite early after all. Most of the students would still be [i]sleeping[/i] at this point on the first day. The only people sitting down was a brunette boy and girl on a bench that was against one of the walls in front of the entrance. The boy obviously knew the girl in some way, leaning back against the wall with his legs crossed and one arm resting on her shoulder. It didn't bother her either. She was slightly slumped over a book on her lap held up by her hands in a slight angle, as if she didn't want anybody else to see it. The boy could see it of course, but paid no mind to the words. He was randomly pointing out pictures and loudly whispering something, but it all sounded like nonsense to anybody else. It was mostly along the lines of [color=00a651]"That monster looks cool, amiright?"[/color] and [color=00a651]"This one looks awesome when fighting!"[/color] The book must've been one for supernatural or mythical creatures. The girl didn't do very much in return to his childish behavior, nodding every few sentences and mumbling something only he seemed to hear. She looked up from her book towards him with squinted eyes after a few minutes. He was slightly surprised by her sudden movements, raising a brow. The girl whispered something to him. [color=00aeef]"Do you think this school year will be alright? Y'know, with [i]them[/i] becoming more active?"[/color] The boy frowned, putting his arm down and shifting his eyes to their school bags. One was neatly laying down underneath the bench, and the other looked like it was thrown underneath next to the other. [color=00a651]"Honestly, I don't know,"[/color] he replied, keeping his voice low. He started to run his fingers through the front spike of his hair, a habit he has gotten when feeling uneasy. His [i]vessel[/i] actually did the same, so he has grown to that habit as well. The girl didn't seem to like the action though, smacking his hand away from his head. He frowned. In a low, hissed tone she snapped at him, [color=00aeef]"You could at least take the time to [color=ed1c24]get ready for this damn school year. I knew we had to do this bull but how [i]long?![/i][/color][/color] The girl made sure to say this with her head more towards the wall so her face couldn't be seen, the boy sighing and flicking her nose. She made a high-pitched squeak, rubbing her nose and looking back to him slightly pouting. He laughed then motioned back to the book, both of them going silent and reading on.