[center][h1]Stasya Volkov[/h1] [h3]Auditorium: [@wolverbells][@Lillium][/h3][/center][hr][hr] When she saw Irina ever so slightly nod her head, Stasya’s mind began buzzing frantically. She could read her thoughts. More importantly, she could speak with her thoughts. Which meant that they could speak together without [b]them[/b] knowing what was being said. On the outside, Stasya kept her face as close to neutral as she could. Inside, the possibilities made her want to scream with joy. She wasn’t comfortable with the idea of someone else being inside her head (in fact, depending on how exactly her power worked, it would explain a lot of the looks she gave her), but if it meant that she could communicate with freedom, then it was a price Stasya would gladly pay in this case. [i][u]Oh, thank you! Please, I need your help, I’m begging you! I can’t stay in this place, something,[/u][/i] she hesitated, the image of her sister and father, accompanied by feelings of fear and despair flashed through her mind. [i][u]Something terrible will happen if I don’t leave.[/u][/i] The light show in Nilin’s hands distracted her, scattering her concentration. It was a helpful reminder, though, that she was being watched. Deciding that it was time to take a more active role, she shifted forward in her seat and spoke clearly. “Что вы имеете в виду под "групповые упражнения"? Если наши силы все разные, как мы можем помочь друг другу? (What do you mean by “group exercises”? If our powers are all different, how can we help each other?)” [i][u]I know that I can’t get out of here without help. You can talk to the others, without [b]them[/b] noticing.[/u][/i] A sizable amount of venom accompanied the word, leaving no mistake what Stasya thought of their so-called benefactors. [i][u]Please, I will do anything ask, [b]anything.[/b] Just help me escape this place![/u][/i]