Masrith stood in wait with his hand placed over the lizard creatures head. He listened for the questions to be asked. He turned and faced Caractacus. "They aren't something you can reason with. It's like me tryong to negotiate with your undead while you tell them to attack. Such an idea would be utterly pointless." He then faced Morro. "They didn't. We had several groups venture out into the heart of the curse. I was among a group. We believed we could use our psionic abilities to severe the control of the undead. However, my group was ambushed and I was separated from my group. I have no doubt they are alive as the leader posses an intellect greater than mine and the power to match. I had sought a way to regroup but came across someone reading a poster. I read their thoughts and that poster lead me to you." Masrith paused for a second. "We wanted to talk to your leaders but decided against it. After all, your entire group tried to kill me on sight. My race didn't see you humans as logical creatures. Most of you act on emotion. Our race has dominated the minds of thousands to use as slaves. You really think your leaders would form a alliance with us?"