[Color=lightgray] [center][img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/d868/th/pre/i/2016/220/8/2/tristan__portrait__by_himawarisanx-dad2ij1.png[/img] [b]Daryll Fletcher 20|5'11"|A+ [/b][/center][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] A P P E R A N C E [/color][/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][indent]Daryll doesn't look particularly special. I mean, yeah, he's pretty muscular, but that's standard for a WARDEN. His hair is nice, he supposes, but short and brown isn't exactly uncommon. He's simply glad he's managed to avoid any real form of acne or odd scars, though it'd be a nice way to launch into a story. He stays clean shaven for simplicity's sake - a beard is a bit of a hassle. While off duty he usually wears a T-shirt, jacket, and jeans. Most often a green shirt and jacket, since that's his favorite color. He wore torn stuff for a while, before realizing that it was a bit silly and impractical - can't slide while playing sports if your knees are specifically exposed.[/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/color] [/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][indent]Daryll is sort of your everyman, a touch deliberately so. Surrounded by people who try very hard, social outcasts, and would-be masterminds, he's made a bit of a point to himself to be as normal as possible in the Citadel. He curses a bit when warranted, laughs, cracks jokes, and generally tries to be friendly. Indeed, he's developed a tendency for puns and lame jokes, specifically because he's been surrounded by such a serious atmosphere for half of his life. It makes him as many friends as it pushes away. His easygoing and honest attitude haven't made him a "cool kid," but he's well liked with a sizable circle of friends, a few of which are also past professors. Sure, some people dislike him, and he's had a rival or two, but most everything has been pretty healthy. The only exception of sorts is romance. Like most students in the Citadel, he's never been in a relationship, since those are often broken up due to distracting students from their studies. On top of this, Daryll realized fairly early on that he's gay. He almost started dating on guy, but thought better of it. As it stands, he's technically in the closet, though he's not specifically hiding the fact - it's simply that nobody has asked.[/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] B A C K G R O U N D [/color] [/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][Indent]Daryll Fletcher was born to a docks workman. As such, many of his days as a child were spent around well traveled folk, hearing stories of fantastical places and creatures, and later helping lift various objects and ferrying them to-and-fro. His parents and teachers always told him he was special, though it never quite felt like it, and he was never placed in any special programs. A traveling mage did his family the favor of checking him for magical aptitude at age 8, and everyone was delighted to find that he had some innate talent for the art, though they could not afford specific training. At age ten, when Daryll took the exam, he placed almost exactly one standard deviation above average in every category. It was actually somewhat conspicuous, resulting in a small investigation of his family and life. Since the government was growing slightly uneasy by the approaching Vangar border, they decided to take him on board, since it was uncommon to find such a well rounded, solid candidate, and they could always downsize later if need be. And so Daryll was whisked off, to a life with greater potential than was left for him back on the docks. One final, and uncommonly expensive, dinner later (paid for by the kind dockmaster), Daryll was surrounded by new people and buildings. Daryll's first reaction to many of his peers was something along the lines of "manipulative asshats." However, once he toned down the colorful vocabulary he has picked up from the sailor and took the time to know some of his less-vocal classmates, he quickly found a nice circle of good friends. By year through, though, he had noticed that everyone around him was changing. Everyone said that they were the best of the best here in WARDEN, but nobody seemed to believe it. It was cutthroat competitive, and a touch oppressive. People threw themselves at being the very best like their lives depended on it (which he supposed it kinda did), and many people lost confidence as they found themselves near the bottom or middle of the pile, instead of the top like before they were moved here. Many of his classmates developed emotional issues, such as aversion to attachment, depression, or just generally being a wound-up ball of angst. Daryll decided that, instead of being the best, his goal was to stay sane. For the next couple of years, he continued with his studies. He veered away from the hotshots who were dead set on being at the top. Unfortunately, these often wound up being the popular kids, since so much of their social system revolved around being the best. By the time he was 15, Daryll decided that he needed to suck it up and spend time with them. Even if some of them were just putting on a giant social act, isn't always pretending to be nice almost the same thing as [b]being[/b] nice? Over the next five years, Daryll began to realize that most of them really were decent folk, even if most had various issues they never seemed to sort out. Along the way, Daryll became friends with several of his professors. These bonds helped him pull a bit ahead in his classes, since they were more willing to help him after class and the like. At around 16, he was asked to join a small PR program that the Citadel was running for WARDEN, where they essentially sent the most friendly students to be among the citizenry every other weekend and be the sort of face for the WARDEN student body. Figuring that it couldn't hurt to have more opportunities to go around town, Daryll took it up and became a vaguely familiar face on local television networks and various social spots around town. Now that he's graduating, Daryll figures that he might as well take some of those hot shots he became friends with on a road trip, so he might get to say "hey" to a few of those friends he made over the years before beginning duty. [/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] C O M B A T [/color] [/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][indent]Daryll took on the standard Gunblade for his combat training. As a Third Class WARDEN, he's essentially an elite shock trooper, highly skilled with the common, so called "Blink N' Bash" style of swordplay (or "Blink N' Blast" where bullets and magic are concerned.) He's got a solid understanding of the basics in all magic disciplines, and follows the standard routine of short range teleports to confuse his foes and find/make an opening to strike though, while keeping a touch of divination magic about him to prevent any foes from doing the same. He was never the best in the class, but he was able to give those who were an appreciable duel lasting longer than a minute. He wears light armor for the mobility, augmented by basic barrier magic, of course.[/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] R E L A T I O N S [/color] [/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][indent][b]Setzer[/b] and Daryll are casual friends. Hanging out frequently, but mostly in the company of groups. They've been to quite a few parties, where Daryll quietly frowns on just how much Setzer tends to drink. At around 14 Daryll developed a silly crush on [b]Gideon[/b]. It's since past, but during that year and a half, Daryll persistently wormed his way into position as a friend of Gideon, and simply hasn't seen a reason to abandon a now reasonably solid friendship. Early on at the Citadel, Daryll met [b]Theta[/b] in some basic mobility magic classes. Since then, they've remained great low key friends, hanging out for an afternoon every few weeks without drama. Then Daryll met Theta's roommate, [b]Zimmy[/b]. "Low key" became rare as he was dragged out on several of her adventures. each month. The two women are the only people who know about his orientation. [b]Galahad[/b] is pretty much [i]the[/i] person Daryll considers a "manipulative asshat." While the manipulative part isn't really true, Daryll retains his opinion and, while he respects the man's skill, merely tolerates his presence. Daryll and [b]Trent[/b] know each other for two reasons: helping each other study, and the girls (Theta and Zimmy). They're decent friends. Daryll and [b]Lee[/b] once went an hour back and forth making puns. They've been best friends ever since, sparring sometimes after classes. [/indent][/color] [Sub][b][color=darkgray] N O T E S [/color] [/b][/sub] [color=c4df9b][indent]Daryll Fletcher is essentially a decent guy with standard skills. He's not going to be pulling miracles, but as a member of WARDEN he's more than a match for a given soldier on the battlefield. The most special thing about him is that he's really not [b]that[/b] special. The gay thing is largely for flavor. Other players can take it or leave it if they want to start a subplot - I'm not about to push anything down anybody's throats. If you care about it, I can remove it before posting to the thread (assuming this is acceptable.)[/indent][/color]