[centre][img] http://66.media.tumblr.com/dce37222d3466b0f3cc19299586e33ff/tumblr_mpmj2af5Vh1r0yw29o1_500.gif[/img][/centre] [h2]Jackie Lovell[/h2] If there was one thing that Jackie didn't lie, it was boats. She a hated being surrounded by water and the swaying the boat did. She tried to focus on anything but the water around her which only made her sea sick. She couldn't wait to be on dry land where she could be herself as at that moment she was sure she wasn't making a great first impression. Not that she cared too much. Thankfully the boat ride was quick and she was on dry land, the island that would be her home for a few weeks. She still had little idea how she even got on the show, she just applied for shit and giggles but now she was here. She could hear the music and the voices of others on the beach. She bit her lip as she made her way over to the bar. She got whiskey on the rocks and began to survey the crowd. A few feminine girls caught her eye, though a part of wondered if any of them liked women like she did. If she was the only lesbian then it was going to be hard pickings for her. But she was willing to take chances, downing her drink she went up to a cute little thing leaning against the bar. [color=0072bc]"Want to dance?"[/color] She asked with a charismatic smirk and playful eyes. Her body language hinted that she would have a good time with her. [@MissCapnCrunch]