[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=DarkCyan]Kaylee Jade Evans[/color] and [color=8dc73f]Connor Vos[/color][/h1] [img]http://static.imovies.ge/m_posters/256/14528911015.jpg[/img][img]http://cdnpix.com/show/imgs/fda291b31e794ee204f8b49d47f0534d_small.jpg[/img] [b]Location:[/b] The Book Shop and [url=http://cdn.homedesignlover.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/8-bedford.jpg]Kaylee’s House[/url]. [sup][b]Interacting With:[/b] Each other and Hunter (Kaylee's older brother).[/sup][/center] [hr][hr] She had to look perfect… Frowning slightly as the strange thought crossed over her mind, she leant her body forward and over the sink, her soft greyish-green eyes flicking over her appearance in the mirror- oh, for the love of god, what the hell had gotten into her..? There was just something about him… something that made her want to put in effort; made her want to act like one of those prissy girls she knew from school back in Australia-… Argh, something was definitely wrong with her. Slightly frustrated by the sudden train of thought, Kaylee shook her head lightly from side to side, her hands both coming up so that she could run her fingers through her hair, ruffling the long locks lightly before she stood herself up straight once more, taking only a few moments longer to look over [url=http://66.media.tumblr.com/dbd2aa15e1d0680982f351b8a2842006/tumblr_nba88ocFgU1tery6vo6_1280.jpg]the outfit[/url] that she had put on and give herself the okay before finally, she was satisfied, her feet (now dawned in her boots) carrying her back out of the bathroom and into the main room of her hideaway, a small smile seeming to play over her lips as she locked eyes with the guy who seemed to so quickly have taken her heart as his own- how was such a thing even possible..? Of course, she had boyfriends in the past… and ones that, at times, had become slightly more serious than her normal relationship; but this-… This was different. Lifting her hand up from her side, she used her fingertips to gently brush back some of her long dark locks of hair, neatly tucking them back behind her ear before she made her way back over to the open wardrobe she had pulled her clothes from, procuring [url=https://67.media.tumblr.com/9bfc37c319dfa14f3e75458928188a95/tumblr_mvwam7xxtZ1sp0rkfo1_r1_500.jpg]a bag[/url], and being sure to put the top he had given to her inside of it before finally, she closed the doors, her gaze slowly wandering over the room until she met with his gaze- his eyes… for God's sake, those eyes… those perfect eyes… [color=DarkCyan]“..ready whenever you are…”[/color] Connor was dressed in moments, pulling on an outfit similar to what he had worn before, the only clothes he had were all the same, after all. He spent the rest of the time as Kaylee dressed looking about the place. Or rather he wondered about, thoughtful. He couldn't help but think how this day just seemed to be… normal, and yet extraordinary. It could be said that Connor was inexperienced in what he now was, as well as whatever this was with Kaylee, and yet it seemed natural well perhaps not the wolf thing. Although he was enjoying the increased senses that came with it. If he concentrated, he could hear Kaylee moving about. That was oddly reassuring to him. He ran a hand through his hair, finding himself flustered at the thought that he was so use to her presence already. He looked up as Kaylee entered the room, smiling at her. To him, it seemed he had smiled more just this day, then in the last year. There was just something about Kaylee, that made him feel… well everything. He tilted his head, studying her. Was she slightly flustered? He smiled again and said [color=8dc73f]“There's just something I have to do first, before we go”[/color] he said as he walked over to her. He leaned down to kiss her, unable to stop himself. He pulled back after a moment, and said [color=8dc73f]“Okay, now we can go”[/color] another smile, taking her hand to head to his truck. While he was still worried about going to her family's place, he felt like he could take it on. After all, he had taken on a lot more these last few months. Her cheeks were on fire- or at least, that’s how it felt as the blush crept over them at the simple kiss he had given to her. Why was this so right..? She knew nothing about him… he knew nothing about her; so why then did it feel as though everything that had ever happened in her life so far had been leading to that very moment where the both of them had laid eyes on one another for the first time..? Smiling softly as she followed him down the steps, Kaylee turned, making sure to seal up the entrance to the room before they left the store; closing and locking the doors behind them as they left. Out of the comfortable intimate setting, and into the harsh reality of what was next to come for the both of them… her brother was going to flip his shit when they got home… Shoving the thought right out of her mind so that it wouldn’t worry her any longer, she slipped the key back into its hiding place before finally, she hurried to join him back in the cab of his truck. [color=DarkCyan]“That was… a pretty cheeky move you pulled back there. Stealing a kiss like that…”[/color] Chuckling softly, she twisted her body around in the passenger side seat so that she was able to face him, her hands both reaching forward to rest softly upon his thigh as she leant her body in, her eyes softening as she searched his own- she was never going to get used to this… the way her heart seemed to skip a beat each and every time he gave her his attention… [color=DarkCyan]“But, uh… you know all you had to do was ask, right..?”[/color] Her gaze flicked down to his lips, lingering there for only a fraction of a second before she closed the gap that was between them, her soft lips pressing lightly against his own for what felt like an eternity before she pulled back, leaving only a breaths hair between them, [color=DarkCyan]“..or not… you know; let’s go with not… I love it when you kiss me…”[/color] Connor gave a chuckle, and retrieved his keys from their secret compartment, putting the keys in the ignition, [color=8dc73f]"Oh, aye, but stealing a kiss just makes it so much… more then asking for one"[/color] he said, looking to her. It seemed like every time he looked at her, he couldn't get enough. As she kissed, he returned it, wanting to pull her closer, yet the truck wasn't made for such a move. He settled for the kiss, and smiled at her words. [color=8dc73f]"Why do you think I stole a kiss? Because I love it too"[/color] He was all too reluctant to start the car, merely preferring her company alone, then going to meet new people. The truck started with the same ease it had shown earlier. [color=8dc73f]"I just love being with you"[/color] he said as he pulled out the park. Everything about Kaylee attracted him, and he breathed her scent in deeply as it filled the cab. He decided to use it as strength as he began to drive, once more, to her place. With the GPS's help, he wouldn't get lost. Hopefully. The more they drove, the more her heart began to sink in her chest… and the closer they got to her new home, the quieter she began to get. Hunter was... unpredictable when it came to protecting his own; and the fact that she had not only disobeyed him, but was now also bringing home a complete and utter stranger for her family to meet..? This was definitely going to be a family dinner for the ages… Shifting slightly, though out of nervousness as they pulled into the beginning of the drive, Kaylee let her hand reach out, searching for his own before she took a hold of it, squeezing it softly however in more of a comfort to herself as they continued down the drive to [url=http://cdn.homedesignlover.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/8-bedford.jpg]her new home[/url]. How could anything be this nerve wracking..? It wasn’t rocket science; it was introducing the guy she was with to her family-… Oh shit… she was introducing him to the family… She heard the front door slamming long before it even came into view; the unmistakable growl of her brother hitting her ears, causing her to shoot Connor an apologetic look as they pulled up, parking the truck on the front lawn before she hurried to step out, quickly moving to intercept her brother before he could get anywhere near Connor, [color=DarkCyan]“Hunter; relax okay..! It’s nothing; I’m fine..!”[/color] [b]“You disobeyed me, Kaylee..! How the bloody hell is that nothing..!”[/b] Baring his canines at his younger sister, Hunter stormed forward, his hands balled into fists at his sides as he met her halfway, his full attention focusing on her before the sound of a car caught his ear, forcing him to lift his gaze before shooting it over to the truck she had arrived in; pausing for a moment, he lifted his hand up, pointing over at the guy he didn’t recognize, [b]“..who the fuck is he..?”[/b] [color=DarkCyan]“It [i]was[/i] nothing, Hunter..! You’re making a big deal out of something that doesn’t even matter-…”[/color] She turned her head, her gaze flicking back to Connor from over her shoulder before she brought it back over to Hunter, taking a couple of steps back so that she was clearly placed in between the both of them, [color=DarkCyan]“..this is Connor; he’s been nothing but good to m-…”[/color] [b]“He smells off- wet dog…”[/b] Snarling protectively, Hunter balled his hands up, his eyes flashing for a moment in his anger before he began to close the gap between them, [b]“If you’ve done anything to her; touched her in anyway, I’ll kill you..!”[/b] [color=DarkCyan]“Leave him alone, you bastard..!”[/color] Snarling protectively, Kaylee rushed forward, her hands once more dawned with her claws coming up so that she could once again intercept her brother before he could do anything stupid; the two of them instead turning on one another as she brought her arm across, her claws running across his face leaving deep gashes behind as she forced him backwards. [color=DarkCyan]“I’ve imprinted on him..!”[/color] Kaylee's nervousness was palpable. When she reached for his hand, he gave hers a gentle, comforting squeeze. If Kaylee was nervous, he would just have to be steady for the both of them. Which was easier said than done, as someone, clearly her brother, came storming out, quite angry and definitely intimidating. His behaviour alarmed Connor, and he was out the car before he even had time to think that he was putting himself in danger, not that he would have cared. As Kaylee put herself between him and her brother, Connor knew it wasn't to stop him from lashing out, but her brother. And then it seemed to escalate from there. He was shocked as he came towards him, clearly intent on ripping him apart. Connor stood there, and blinked, wondering just how he could defuse this situation. Kaylee interrupted him again, and Connor hurried forward, even as she slashed her brothers face. Her words echoed through his head, he had heard of imprinting before, but only in the contents of animals imprinting on their mothers. An uncontrollable wave of love. It made his heart speed up a bit, even as he pulled Kaylee away, standing in front of her, a low growl tearing from his throat. [color=8dc73f]"No offense but you smell of wet dog as well. However, I unlike you, can get past that and get your own scent. I don't care if you are the king of England, if I ever see you treat your sister like something you own and can control again, you won't like it"[/color] He recognized the hurried need to dominate, to show he wasn't afraid of Hunter, but he didn't take his eyes off Hunter, ready to defend himself if need be, to defend Kaylee. Right then, he would do anything to make sure she didn't get hurt. [color=8dc73f]"I've done nothing I regret. I've not forced her to do anything. Of course I can't say I haven't touched her in anyway, but I would never presume to have more than she wanted. I care about her, a great deal despite only knowing her today. I know she's right there, right behind me, probably trying to figure out if I'll let her maul you again or how she can get past me; her scent overwhelms me, and her smile lights up my world…”[/color] [color=8dc73f]“If that is what imprinting is...well then, it's safe to say I've imprinted on her to. If that angers you, I don't care."[/color] He knew he was defying someone that could be deadly, but right then he felt deadly too. One moment she had been facing her brother, and the next, she was behind Connor… her body pressed up against his back, and her lips parting as she watched him from over his shoulder, her touch soft as she took a gentle hold of his sides, listening to what it was that he was saying- did he just..? Her once angered expression softened almost instantly at his words, her claws and canines both slowly retracting back leaving her with her normal pearly whites and nails as she shifted, her movements not only slow but purposeful as she stepped around Connor, her body remaining closely pressed against his own as she once more put herself between the both of them, her hands resting lightly over his chest as she stooped her head down, turning nuzzling it into the crook of his neck, clearly covering his jugular to protect him from any action her brother might take out on him. [color=DarkCyan]“..he’s my mate, Hunter…”[/color] That had him stopping dead. His eyes flicking back and forth between his sister and the scrawny little thing she had brought home with her- imprinted..? How was that even possible when he hadn’t even found his mate yet… Clenching his jaw for a moment, Hunter hesitated before eventually, he lowered his arms back to his sides, the gashes on his face already beginning to heal as he huffed out a laugh, his head turning away and to the side so he didn’t have to look at them anymore, [b]“Ha… typical; she gets into trouble, and won’t face the consequence of defying her beta…”[/b] Shaking his head lightly, he took another moment before turning his attention back over to where the pair of them stood in front of him, studying them for a good few moments before letting out a frustrated yell- this was one fight he wasn’t going to win, [b]“Fine..! But watch yourself mutt; you might be my sister’s mate, but I don’t take kindly to strays being brought in off the street. And if you ever try and interfere with pack business aga-…”[/b] [color=DarkCyan]“We’re not in a pack anymore, Hunter… we had to leave our pack behind, remember..? You even got to choose and train your replacement. I met the pack who runs this town- Connor is their beta… if-… if anything; we’re the strays, not him.”[/color] [b]“Hmph… Just-… Just don’t ever worry me like that again, got it..!”[/b] Not even bothering to utter another word to either of them, Hunter turned on his heel, growling softly to himself as he stormed off around the side of the house and back out of sight, leaving them both on their own again. [color=DarkCyan]“..I-I’m so sorry about him, Connor…”[/color] As Kaylee moved around him, it took all his willpower not to push her back behind him, wanting to keep her out of harms way, but she seemed intent on cuddling against him, and, Connor saw with curiosity to protect a vulnerable target, as if they were truly animals in the wild. Unable to help himself, he did place an arm around her, both to be able to push her behind him again, and to receive comfort from the simple contact. Suddenly Connor saw something else flicker for a moment in Hunter’s body language. Was he… envious? Imprinting must really mean something. As Hunter's gaze flickered between them, Connor could imagine what he was thinking. Connor knew that he looked like a good gust of wind would snap him in two, that he wasn't exactly intimidating. But he stared back at Hunter, defiant. Well. He couldn't exactly argue with the stray comment, given he practically lived in his truck. He decided not to correct Kaylee. Right then, he didn't even know what position he was in the pack. Which once more reminded him to message Vanessa, and see if everything was okay, but it was swiftly removed from his mind, as Hunter began to leave. Connor called out, [color=8dc73f]"You don't have to worry. It's not like I'm going to let anything happen to her. You should have more faith in her, you know"[/color] he was relieved the worst seemed to be over and he let out a slow breath. [color=8dc73f]"Well that was certainly… an experience."[/color] He looked down at Kaylee, unable to help himself, he kissed her on the top of her head. [color=8dc73f]"It's okay. I'd probably be the same if I had a sister"[/color] he said, and not for the first time wondered why his parents hadn't had other children. [color=8dc73f]"I can't imagine anything more terrifying than that, so why don't we round it off, and see your parents?"[/color] Nodding her head lightly in understanding, Kaylee gave no sign that she was about to move from where she was pressed up against him, her head once more nuzzling lightly into his neck as she let herself melt into his body, revelling in the warmth and safety that his arms had to offer her- this was so right… [i]they[/i] were so right… [color=DarkCyan]“..my parents are going to love you, Connor…”[/color] It was nothing more than the truth; unlike her rather over-protective brother, her parents (while both worried) were rather relaxed when it came to their children being a part of not only the supernatural world, but also the normal one they had to grow up in. Lifting her head up from where it was rested on his chest, she gave him a soft smile, pausing for a few moment of thought before she once again met with his eyes, [color=DarkCyan]“Connor, did you-… did you mean what you said to Hunter..? About imprinting on me..?”[/color] As she leaned against him, Connor held Kaylee close, more than content to stay out there forever. He appeared thoughtful for a moment, still not entirely sure what imprinting truly was, but having a good idea. [color=8dc73f]“I rarely say things I do not mean, and I have meant every word I have said today”[/color] he said, smiling that slightly crooked smile. He would figure out its full meaning later. Although perhaps it wasn't something that could truly be figured out. [color=8dc73f]“I imagine we are giving your neighbors a lot to talk about, should we go in?”[/color] Not that he particularly cared. People would gossip about just about anything these days. He glanced back at his truck, where he had left his door open as he had jumped out, giving a soft sigh and going to close it. Refusing to let go of him any time soon, Kaylee followed in his footsteps, her hands both reaching out to take a gentle hold of his before finally, she pressed herself closer into her, his arm hugged against her chest and her head tilting until she was able to rest her cheek lightly over his shoulder, softly nuzzling up into the crook of his neck, [color=DarkCyan]“The property is large enough that the neighbours won’t see a thing unless they actually grab binoculars… I told you mum and dad know about our world; they both accommodate and make their choices based on it as well- it’s also why the driveways is longer than normal, and the property has a lot of tree’s surrounding it.”[/color] Pausing for a moment, she lifted her head up, allowing her eyes to slowly glide up over his shoulder… his collarbone… his neck… his jaw… his chin… his lips; before eventually, she met his beautiful gaze once again, her fingers entwining with his own between their bodies, [color=DarkCyan]“..it’s as supernatural proof as they can make it without lining the place with silver or wolfsbane, and digging a bunker strong enough to hold us during a full moon.”[/color] Dropping her head, she fell silent for a moment, biting softly on the inside of her lip before she allowed her attention to wander away and over what she could see of the property until she felt she had no other choice, bringing her eyes back to meet his, [color=DarkCyan]“..and for the record; I’ve meant every single word I’ve said today as well… especially what I said to Hunter…”[/color] Connor could see the strategic planning to the property, but he wouldn't put it past simple human curiosity to indeed have people looking with binoculars. Humans were naturally curious about other humans, especially new to the community humans. There was no telling when someone might come, bearing a welcome basket or casserole as they were wont to do, in order to get a bit of a peek-a-boo. Still, it did seem quite private, but it was nerve wracking enough to meet any girls parents, and just seemed more so after what had happened with Hunter. And yet he simply couldn't stop himself holding her, enjoying the closeness, and the… rightness of it all. At the mention of the full moon, Connor recalled his own recent experiences. And he knew he had to become more adept, to truly be in control of himself at the next full moon, when the teenagers would first turn. But that was a thought for tomorrow. Today, it was only Kaylee. He smiled at her words, but he seemed sheepish as he said [color=8dc73f]“I know, you've shown me so much that… well wonders me. But you're going to have to tell me what imprinting truly means, because I don't actually know”[/color] he admitted, feeling that there was so much he didn't know. [color=DarkCyan]“Imprinting- it’s… hard to explain…”[/color] Frowning slightly as she thought over how best to explain to him what she believed was actually going on between the both of them, Kaylee let her gaze wander, her hands never once loosening their loving grip around his arm as she began to lead them up to the front door, using her hip to open the door for the both of them as they made their way into the house, [color=DarkCyan]“..I guess you could say it’s kinda like love at first sight- but then that doesn’t really compare or give way to the gravity of it all…”[/color] Shooting him a soft though apologetic smile, she quickly glanced around the living room, her head tilting to the side ever so slightly as she took a moment to just listen… silence apart from the muttering of her older brother in the backyard as he set up the barbecue- seemed luck might be on her side after all. Bringing her attention back over to Connor, she motioned with her head over to a small hallway off to the left of the kitchen and living room, letting him know which way they were going before she led the way down and towards where her room was located. [color=DarkCyan]“..my old Alpha tries her best to explain it to all of us when she believes us ready to understand; she says it’s like some involuntary mechanism… like gravity shifting; or your whole world changing in an instant and without warning…”[/color] Finally letting go of his arm once she was inside of her room, she made her way over to her bed (which she had set up earlier along with her TV and consoles), shifting a couple of boxes off of it before she took a seat, her expression thoughtful as she tried to continue her explanation, [color=DarkCyan]“..supposedly, it’s how we find our soulmates… and once it happens; it’s as if the only thing that matters anymore- the only thing that’s keeping you here on Earth, and sane… the only thing that’s worth living for is that one person…”[/color] Connor let himself be led, contemplating Kaylee's words. He thought back to that first glance, only a few hours past, really. He had wanted to offer clothes, not simply for dignity. And then everything since had been… all Kaylee. And he thought about how he had seemed to just be floating along since his father's death, but now… he felt rooted. He watched Kaylee move about her room, moving things before sitting down, and he stood watching her. Soul mates, but more than. [color=8dc73f]"Well"[/color] He wasn't actually too sure what to say. It seemed like… everything was settling, like a lake settling after a stone had been thrown into it. He rubbed the back of his neck, not nervous but merely… thoughtful. [color=8dc73f]"Kaylee… everything has been… just you. I don't know if it's imprinting or not, but I know… that I want to be with you"[/color] he said, walking over to her, and sitting down beside her. [color=8dc73f]"And… I know… that I've never felt like that, in anyway before. I just know… that I feel like I've found somewhere to be, to live. And it's because of you"[/color] Twisting slightly over the mattress, Kaylee lifted her head up to meet with his gaze once again- he was so sweet… Leaning forward, she closed the gap between the both of them, her lips pressing softly up against his own in a loving kiss before she pulled away, her forehead resting lightly against his own as she inched herself closer to him, [color=DarkCyan]“..I wanted to go home… to go back to Australia- I never wanted to be here in this country; let alone this town…”[/color] Reaching over to him, she slipped her hands into his own, her fingers curling lightly as she took a hold of them, her body lifting up and twisting slightly as she shifted her position, perching once more on the mattress before she lifted her legs up, [color=DarkCyan]“But just knowing you, even for a few hours; I don’t want that anymore… yeah, I miss being there and being with my friends, but-… but for some reason, you mean much more than that; you make me wanna settle down… and more than that, you make me wanna settle down, and plant roots with you…”[/color] Connor gave her hands a squeeze, he nodded, knowing it was the same for him. He couldn't explain it. And maybe that was the whole point. He shifted, bringing Kaylee closer to him, merely because he enjoyed the feel of her, right there in his arms as he wrapped them around her. He was well aware he had a duty to the pack that was forming here, and yet… he felt like he already had one, with Kaylee. [color=8dc73f]"I'm glad you came here"[/color] he said softly, [color=8dc73f]"to me. I'm glad you disobeyed your brother, and went exploring. I'm glad we found each other. I'm happy, with you"[/color] He lowered his head to hers and held her. He doubted anything would get him to let go, right then. It just seemed… perfect. The thought of her parents, her brother perhaps coming in was a very faded thought, nor did he think he would care. [color=8dc73f]“It's been… a life changing day”[/color] [color=DarkCyan]“..it really has…”[/color] Smiling softly though in complete agreement to what he had been saying, she pulled away from him, taking her time to lay back over the bed before she lightly tugged on his hand, urging for him to lay down with her, [color=DarkCyan]“..if I could go back and do it all again; I wouldn’t change a thing.”[/color] Waiting until he was laying down with her, she pressed herself into his chest, lightly brushing the tip of her nose against his before pressing a sweet kiss to his lips, [color=DarkCyan]“..you’re the biggest part of my life now…”[/color] Returning the kiss, Connor was more than content, laying there. There would always be grief over his father's death, as there would always be grief over his mother's, long dead now and wonder at why he had been allowed to survive. But right now, today, he… found it bearable. He had forgotten what it was to lay on a bed that didn't need air. He gave a soft happy sigh, letting Kaylee simply overwhelm his senses, finding peace in that. [color=8dc73f]"As you are mine"[/color] every thought he had, it was about what he could do, to be happy here, to be happy with Kaylee. There wasn't a thought that they were, technically two different species, that on the full moon he might lose control, no thought that he didn't have a house of his own. Just… Kaylee. [color=8dc73f]“I want to...truly make something with you, Kaylee”[/color]