[center][IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/2rqnlgo.jpg[/IMG][/center] [center] [h2]DIGIDESTINED[/h2] Name Age 16-21 Gender Physical Description (Players may post pictures in this section if the so choose.) Personality Additional Information (This can include a characters history or any other information you want to include.) [/center] [center] [h2]DIGIMON[/h2] Atrribute: Vaccine/Virus/Data/Free Type: Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Thunder/Light/Darkness/Ice/Wood/Steel Digivolutions (For each of the Digivolutions give the Digimons: Name, Physical Description, and Move Set.) In-Training/Baby Rookie/Child Champion/Adult Ultimate/Perfect Mega/Ultimate (Players are required to have at least In-Training and Rookie Digivolutions before playing. All other Digivolutions will be added as the story progresses. Players may list other Digivolutions, but it could be more fun to wait and suprise everyone when the time comes. Players are encourage to create their own unique digimon, but it is not a requirement. Here is a [url=http://wikimon.net/Visual_List_of_Digimon]Visual List[/url] of all Digimon created. This can be used to choose a Digimon that you wish to use or to give you ideas when creating your own. Players may post pictures of chosen Digimon or submit their own creations. Also note that if you choose virus or darkness for your Digimon doesn't dictate that they are evil.) [/center] [center] [h2]DIGIVICE[/h2] Physical Description Special Characteristics (This can include: Previously Mapped Areas, GPS, Digimon Encyclopedia,etc.) [/center] [center] (I am very excited about this aspect! Players will get to design their very own Digivices! Of course there are limits. Your Digivice should be no more complex than a cellphone. What I mean by this is that your phone cannot become a weapon or have the capacity to do anything that might make your character overpowered in any way. So have fun, go wild, and if there are any issues I will personally PM you regarding them.) [/center] [center][h3]I just want to specify that players are not required to draw any original ideas. This is just an option if the player so chooses. A general to detailed description will do just fine.[/h3][/center]