[h3][color=fca05a]Robel the Heliolisk[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Guild Balcony][/b] With Glyph's departure, the Heliolisk's brows furrowed, contemplating his options. He could help, which he was in far too much agony to do. He could rest, which was the smart option. Or he could visit someone he was in dire need of visiting. [color=fca05a][i]It seems I have about thirty minutes until it's time to eat. I... in this condition, I doubt I could make it all the way over there. Perhaps this would be best left until tomorrow...[/i][/color] A dejected sigh escaped Robel's maw as he reluctantly shuffled towards his chambers. [h3][color=beadcd]Alias[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Residential District East][/b] [@Light Lord] Waving a hand, the Mienshao let out a soft chuckle, [color=beadcd]"Yes, yes, I suppose you're right. This would be why you're the boss, no? You're absolutely right, though. There's already several requests from various Guilds across the continents wanting our heads, but with not enough drive to do so."[/color] With a shrug he'd continue, [color=beadcd]"That would likely be the breaking point..."[/color] [color=beadcd]"You're right... whatever it is likely wants nothing to do with us... All right then, perhaps you should take a look at the corpse. I know where it's residing, so... I suppose whenever you are ready. It is about time for us to be heading off, yes?"[/color] [h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Town Square→Rhys' Clinic][/b] [@Light Lord] Shooting a slightly worried glance at the Feraligatr, she then shoved whatever thought she had out of her mind. This wasn't important right now. [color=29afdd]"Kay, then! See you at dinner Pyrrha, I gotta go get my friend Devon. I hope he's okay..."[/color] Waving the dancer off, Lilisette then dove between Radien's legs again to worm her way through the crowd. Pyrrha let out a slight chuckle, looking over Raiden, [color=b8dab1]"...She's certainly an odd child."[/color] Now out of range of the dancers, Lilisette rushed through Town Square, bumping into almost everyone she possible could, though entirely accidentally. [color=29afdd]"Whoops, sorry! Coming through!"[/color] After only a few minutes, the blue Kirlia made it back to the Clinic. A chingling noise could be heard in a distant room, Rhys making his way back towards Devon at his beckon. [color=f9edad]"Apologies. So you wish to leave? Let me look over your wounds..."[/color] Rushing into Devon's room, Lilisette blurted out, [color=29afdd]"You have to dismiss him! It's dinner time! I'm sure he's starving. Please Mr. Rhys."[/color] The Chimecho scanned the Totodiles body with a concerned expression. Taking small look under the Totodile's dressings, and then at his maw, he let out a sigh. [color=f9edad]"I suppose you'd recover faster in your own bed... please, if you have any plans to do any strenuous activities tomorrow, do come see me first thing in the morning."[/color] [color=29afdd]"Whaaat, why can't he come—wait. Waaait. You're actually letting him go? Like, I don't have to cry or beg you!?"[/color] [color=f9edad]"He's... not well, but with some Psychic assistance, he should be able to eat on his own, and certainly he can sleep in his own bed. Walking would cause him some trouble though, but you did manage to bring him to me."[/color] Pumping her fists into the air, Lilisette let out a cheer, [color=29afdd]"WOO! Dinner time then, what do you say, Devon? Ready to blow this Popsicle stand?"[/color] [h3][color=b8dab1]Pyrrha the Gardevoir[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Town Square][/b] [@Light Lord] Once Lilisette was out of sight, Pyrrha took the proffered coins in hand. [color=b8dab1]"Th-This is heavy. Are you... certain? That's a lot of Poké..."[/color] Staring down at the sack, tears almost welled in her eyes, [color=b8dab1][i]Thirty for each of us...? That's so... incredibly generous of him. I-I can't believe... and he's offered to escort me for free, too. I just...[/i][/color] Taking a few moments, she looked up at the scarred Feraligatr with a truly, genuinely happy smile. [color=b8dab1]"This... this means a lot to me. Thank you. You're so unbelievably kind..."[/color] The dancer's gaze fell to the floor for a few moments as she contemplated something before speaking up, [color=b8dab1]"Ah... Raiden, right? Perhaps you'd like to have dinner with us? I'm certain the Guild is going to be throwing a banquet, when really our dancers eat quite little to maintain our lithe figures. I guess... what I'm trying to say is I'm sure there'd be enough food to feed another mouth."[/color]