[quote=@Fionraella] Sacha blinks at his declination of her offer. She frowns, turning. She then sighs heavily. She groans, finding the words hard to say. "Look Jett. I'm sorry. I'm treating you like shit when you don't deserve that." She watches him a moment before warily walking over to cut him off. "Do you think that this is easy for me?" She asks softly. "I loved you so much, and you left. Do you have any idea how that made me feel? I felt confused for weeks, months, almost every moment since that night...I knew what I did but not really why that made you leave, and you weren't there to explain it. So what did I do? I made assumptions that I still have to this day. So before you get all angry and think I'm being too hard on you or whatever, just remember that you left me. I wanted it to work out." [/quote] Jett softened a bit at her change in tone, relieved that he was finally seeing traces of the girl he used to know. He frowned slightly at her confusion over the events from two years ago, and he found himself overwhelmed with invading memories. "When I found you by the river, I thought you were dead!" he blurted out suddenly, a bit more worked up than he had intended to come off as. "I carried you back to camp and I was crying the entire way. I was screaming and swearing, furious that you never listened to me about keeping yourself safe. I handed you over to the healers as soon as we got back to camp and I waited. Finally, when I heard that you'd be okay and I got to talk to you, you just insisted that you'd do it again for the Rabins," he trailed off slowly. "So I left. I was just trying to protect myself, and it was stupid, but..." he shook his head.