[h3][color=orange]Yoshiaki Sugihara ~ After the Camp[/color][/h3] The group had received a multitude of answers, though throughout the course of their trip they would come to gain quite a bit more questions as well. Yoshiaki had taken quite an interest, using any moment he could throughout training and during intervals to ask questions. He was typically satisfied with the answers he got. Fon was quite informative, but he wasn't exactly forthright with everything. The diminutive tutor had secrets to keep as well, of course, and it was pretty clear at times. Still, the camping trip would soon come to an end, and with that end each member of the group would return home. The young Mafia Boss to be was fairly satisfied, though his body was sore to an unbelievable degree. He couldn't believe how intense his training with the Arcobaleno had become in such a short span of time. The little guy wasn't going to hold back and had apparently come up with a pretty big lesson plan in the short amount of time with which he'd had to study the members of the group. Yoshi wasn't quite sure what everybody had been doing, but his own work alone was intense. He couldn't really even begin to worry about the others. Not that he would have regardless, aside from Rei. He was in his room now, laying on his bed in a tank top and boxers. He could barely move a single part of his body a half an inch without feeling short bursts of pain shooting through his body. On top of strength training, Fon working on his body's overall stamina and durability, among each of his other physical qualities, He must have died at least a dozen times. According to Fon he was no closer to finding a way to direct or control his "Dying Will" Form, as Yoshiaki had come to learn it was called, and that wasn't good. It wasn't like he could use it all the time either based on the rules Fon had described to him. If that wasn't enough, Yoshi had even had to endure some of Fon's martial arts training. He'd always thought just brawling was enough, but the baby, without even trying mind you, had quickly corrected that train of thought. [color=orange]"Geez... I don't think I've ever had my ass handed to me like that..."[/color] He grumbled before closing his eyes. Memories flashed, but only for a moment before his eyes shot open again. Why the hell was he thinking about that crap now? [color=orange]"Whatever... I have more important things to worry about."[/color] He had to talk to his mother and sister soon. Fon and Shiso would be back to collect them all soon if he had understood properly. They needed to finish any and all business they may have had before then. [color=orange]"Would have been nice to have a clearer time frame. But two or three days oughta be good enough to talk mom into it."[/color] Honestly, he was more worried about trying to get his sister to come around to his leaving. After all, the last time they'd separated things didn't go very well. [color=orange]"Oh well."[/color] He yawned, stretching his arms, much to his frustration. [color=orange]"I can worry about that more tomorrow.[/color] He just wanted to sleep and rest his body a bit after end of what felt like one of the longest camping trips of his life, though it was more or less the first real one of his life.