[quote=@Hawksnest565] The Boss waves Geoffrey away. "That's a good boy. What a nice warm up, hmm?" He gives the man a hearty pat on the shoulder. "I think I'll take over from here. Can't have you do all my dirty work now! Why don't you go grab yourself a coffee or something? I'll give you a buzz should I need you." With his dismissal, Geoffrey gives a short nod and then lumbers out the door. The Boss's hands fling to Ptelea's ankles and he squeezes them. "Such strong bones you have, little one!" He removes his grip and turned to his pile of gadgets. "But you know, the body functions so poorly with a lack of circulation." He picked up a spool of thin wire. "How about we have those precious feet of yours cut off from the blood line whilst we deal with the rest of today? I can't wait to see the outcome. Does a parrot need its feet to fly?" The guard goes to pat Ambrose's shoulder but stops himself before making contact, as if remembering some terms given to him. He points to the monitor, particularly referencing the beaten wrist of Ptelea. "It ain't my choice kid, but if I were you I'd give everything to make sure that little girl was safe, even if it meant throwing my friends under the bus. [/quote] Ptelea tries to pull her feet away as he squeezes her ankles. She whimpers, tears rolling down her cheeks. She sniffles and looks at her wrist and begins crying. "R...Rosey..." She sobs, shaking fearfully as she watches the old man. Nothing made sense...Rosey was supposed to help her, save her from this evil man hurting her. But Ptelea felt betrayed..Ambrose wasn't there. Ambrose had let that man hurt her hand. Would Ambrose help her now...? She looks at the old man. "P...please." She whimpers. "please stop!" Ambrose pales at seeing the wire. "Oh shit.." He whispers, shivering. He gulps, then bites his lip nervously. He hesitates before hanging his head in shame. He thought of his groupmates back in the forest. How could he give them up to this man, who would do unknown horrors to his friends? But then he thought of his sister, who looked up to him, who by sitting her watching her suffer, was doing nothing to stop her pain. He gulps, and looks at the guard as much as it pained him to do so. "You're right...I'...I've let this go on long enough..." He whispers, looking away and squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before looking up at the guard once again with as much strength as he can manage. "I'll tell the old man everything I can...I can't watch my sister suffer anymore..." His stomach churns as he thought of how he could save his sister and not betray his groupmates. He could figure that out when he came to talk to the old man about whatever he wished to know...right now he just had to help his sister.