[center][h2]Kasius Front Lines[/h2][/center] As the battle commenced, Hexanagallion Reavers dispersed into loose, skirmish formation to better dodge the incoming fire of bullets and missiles. They leaped and ducked, using energy shields and their great bulk to power through when hit, the rocky terrain not slowing their odd, reptilian gait one bit. Still, despite their prowess and element of surprise, warriors began to fall, being riddled with bullets and having limbs severed from explosions. It wasn't enough to halt their advance however, the Reavers having already cleaved a path through the mechs and monsters. The sun beat down on the blasted landscape as the battlefield shifted. When confronted with concentrated bullet fire, a few dozen HRF warriors at a time made shield walls, while not 30 yards to the side, those assailed by rockets rolled between cover and roared challenges. In between these defenses and distractions, Reavers flanked and ripped the Agonis machines to shreds, and their line collapsed. The Hexanagllions on the defense suddenly surged forward like a tide and the battle was over almost too soon for half of the force to have any sort of challenge. The machines in the back however, seemed to have already been defeated once the HRF had regrouped. Battle Commander Krux lifted his Waraxe high, his warriors trotting over to him. Some carried the wounded upon their backs. The huge techno crusaders gathered around the red clad Battle Commander, and then all advanced toward the...Humans they had discovered. With a raised fist, Krux halted the battle line of his troops, and he stepped forward. Almost ominously, he began to pace back and forth like a circling shark, or a wolf examining a wounded Elk before it went in for the kill. His reptilian eyes gazing into the woman's soul. For indeed he believed this was a female of the human species. "Captain Gwendoline O'Neil of the 61st Mobile Infantry." She said with a grin. "You sure as hell came in the right place and time, you saved our asses, and I'd very much like to know who our saviors are." A low growl escaped his throat as he continued to circle, before glancing past her to her uneasy allies. If he was anywhere else, his troops would have slaughtered this battalion before him with little hesitation. He did not share Daixanos' sense of compassion for humans. However, he was duty bound to help those under the yoke of oppressors, and he relented. He did not shake her hand, for it was not a custom among his people. However, he gave her a gruff nod. "Captain Gwendoline O'Neil." he said, his voice guttural. "I am Battle Commander Krux of the Honored Resurgance Forces. We are here to liberate you...and your people." "Battle Commander." a Hexanagallion said from behind, approaching Krux. He wore the tan armor of a specialist. This one was of the technical field. "How many dead?" Krux asked without waiting for a continuation, turning to him slightly. His front still faced the woman. "Nearly 300." Krux grunted. "How many wounded?" "368, Battle Commander." "How many are battle able?" "Nearly 700. But Commander." "What is it?" "It's our expeditionary force in the system to the east. It's under heavy fire and about to break." Krux turned around and glared at the Hexanagallion for stating something so blatantly. "What? How?" he asked. The answer came with a shake of the messenger's head. "They must have been prepared for our small fleet." "They were prepared for us here and we clove through them." he growled, reaching over and taking the comm link off the Haxanagllion tech's hands, putting it to his head. "General Al'jar. Report." he stated. In the background he could hear gunfire and the creaking of metal as engines roared. "Battle Commander!" The voice was heard, static crackling. "They used their moons to ambush us. There was supposed to be only one inhabited planet in the system. We-... quarter of our fleet f-... stroid fields. They were all around us. Wor-...ot Commander. We shall fight to the death!" "Belay that." Krux said, moved by the general's determination, but knowing it would be futile. The static suddenly increased in volume, and Krux began to think he had lost the General when a familiar voice, full of nobility and command, filled the air. [hr] [center][h2][i]The Cleaver of Worlds[/i] (H'arkruk) Capital Ship.[/h2] [/center] "The Cleaver has come." the newcomer said, his voice inspiring the battered fleet, as well as the Battle Commander, with hope and zeal. Warmaster Daixanos stood at the center of his Command Ship, having just entered the system to sink up with their smaller fleet that had entered unknown Agonis Territory. He and his ships had arrived from their foray into Musashi space. To the left and right, the Warmaster watched with pride as the 100 Predator Frigates each began to deploy their modest number of Warrior 001 Starfighters, 20 from each ship. Soon the Predator guns were charging as their fighter pilots engaged at the flank. What Agonis ships that were out hounding the HRF force that was doing its best to survive were quickly decimated, and the moon bases were suddenly silenced in plasma holy fire. The Honored Resurgance forces tightened the noose. [hr] [img]http://i127.photobucket.com/albums/p152/levihoff/OntheBridge_wallpaper.jpg[/img] [center][h2] Xeno Barbarian Space.[/h2][/center] The defenses were being prepared well, Warmaster Gatar mused as he strode with his honor guard toward the new council room. Even as he walked along the metallic construction bridge, Hexanagallion engineers were hard at work checking the metal work for the truly titanic ARK gun that had just been placed planetside. To think, only a week ago, Xeno Barbarians had eat, shit, and fucked here. Now it was becoming an entrenched position of the HRF front within the foothold of their space. It brought a feeling of satisfaction to both of his hearts. The room he strode into was small and dark, but well built. It was a model of the meeting rooms held within their planet Space Stations. A small island panel was within the center of the room. To the left fore was an opening that lead further into the complex they have begun building. All around him were his generals, and Battle Commander Rakt was standing at the ready, saluting his Warmaster with a fist to his muscled chest. The gesture was returned in kind. "Report, Battle Commander." Gatar asked with his scarred maw. The Battle Commander did not hesitate. "Warmaster. This 7 planet system the humans used to refer to as Delgado has been completely captured by our forces." "How many are habitable?" "Four were when we arrived. 3 now, due to one being heavily bombarded by our fleet. We would need the Life Bringer to restore it." "Any news?" The Warmaster asked, his voice showing he had no time for redundant statements. A General stepped forward to speak up, but Gatar glanced his way and let out a hiss of warning. The General kept silent, but didn't break the stare until he bowed, lest he be dishonored in front of his kin. Gatar still eyed the upstart. "You were saying?" "The Barbarians further within Xeno space seemed to have been civilized somewhat. Reports state that there might be a leader among them-" "Really?" Gatar asked, turning back to Rakt. His voice betrayed just how intrigued he was at the proposition of a challenge. Perhaps taking one of his father's precautions was the right choice, in fortifying this system to use as a forward base. "Are they on the move?" "We do not know yet, Warmaster. But we eagerly await your orders." he replied, and Gatar could tell he was speaking with full truth. For the Battle Commander's breathing was labored with excitement. It was uncalled for what happened next, but one General cried. "Let us hit them!" A few roared in agreement. "It is the time the divine has spoken of!" Warmaster Gatar was known for his ferocity in battle, as well as his policy that the greatest defense was a good offense. He served with distinction in the Post-Fall Resurgance War, which in turn helped him rise from Battle Commander to Warmaster. Yet despite his penchant for attack, let it be known that he was tactically sound as well. "Silence!" Gatar ordered, stepping forward. His metallic arm shoved a general to the side, and he stood at the center of the room, addressing his generals with a clenched fist that glinted in the light. His next words were spoken with a dangerous reserve. "If my blood-father were here to give me Council, he would say that we should fight a defensive war. To harry the enemy and have them come to us, on this entrenched position. Perhaps 50, even 20 years ago I would have completely disagreed, for our forces were advancing and creating new places to sow for our people. But long years have tempered me and given me a small portion of wisdom." He chuckled. "I choose both attack and defense. We shall draw them out, and then attack." "Explain Warmaster, if you would honor us." Gatar grinned, and a holo-map of Xeno Barbarian space suddenly appeared before them.