Nuva hadn't been quite quiet about his own attack, it was true, and in fairness, he'd likely be at least injured if the Captain had not intervened against the bandit charging him. However, the way Cassilda handled her own fight was... not exactly brilliant. He supposed it was likely that his actions had drawn in the group of six bandits, but if the screams from the one she killed didn't draw the rest to their position, it'd be a miracle. Still, he hid himself along with the rest of the party as the bandits showed up, and remained in place as first one, then the rest, died to multiple stab wounds and some horrible molten substance thrown by the dwarf Halbark respectively. Only then came the lambasting from Kayden. Mostly directed at Cassilda, but the pointed glance over in Nuva's direction was enough to have him bowing his head shamefully. No orders had been given, technically, but Nuva figured he should still know better after years of being ordered around under much stricter commanders; under the dark elves, he'd probably have been viciously tortured for such a reckless maneuver. Though the end result after all had been said and done was nearly half of the bandits in the fortress deceased, so that was hardly a poor outcome. Then, of course, there was the prisoner. One of the Captain's agents, no less... who had apparently done research on everyone now in his employ. He wondered exactly how much she knew of his origins, his race. Had she told Kayden of these, or anyone else in his closer counsel for that matter? Did those who knew think less of him for what he was, what he'd done under their command? He dared not ask, at least not in such public company. Regardless, it seemed stealth was no longer on anyone's minds, granted how Secret was freed from her cell, and by his own count, there were as many mercenaries as bandits left in the fort anyway; the Captain ordered people into groups, and Nuva nodded and strolled toward him, slowing to a halt briefly as he passed... Halbark, was it? Though he'd been informed time and again by his prior masters of how distasteful dwarves were, his time out of their influence had shown no particular evidence to prove this was true. Or at least, they acted with no more virulent hatred than any other race did upon discovering his own. That in mind, Nuva placed his hand on Halbark's shoulder briefly, simply stating 'Well done on the bomb,' before removing himself from the dwarf's personal space and moving the rest of the distance to Kayden's side. All things considered, the dwarf had in one stroke killed more of these bandits than any other individual in the room so far; if nothing else, he deserved some recognition for the sort of mind needed to create such weapons. [@Sleater][@POOHEAD189][@Austronaut][@Fubsy][@frapet]