[@DiZL ReloadeD][@Pikmin Eye] Osgar was already half way through the shack when a loud bang followed by profanities was heard in the back. He had almost forgotten about Bob being there. [color=00aeef]"This small guy is Bob. He hangs around collecting useless junk for his..."[/color], Osgar gave a quick look at Bob's armor and that aberration tied to the back of it, [color=00aeef]"[i]Inventions[/i]. He's harmless. Just be careful with the ocasional explosion."[/color] The explosion left a foul stench of rotten eggs in the air, strong enough to overpower the smell of red hot iron and burning logs Osgar was so used to. He crossed the shack in direction to the door and his unexpected guest, partially to see what such an [i]unusual[/i] visitor was bringing for him, partially to breath air that had not been contamined by the goblin's inventions. [color=00aeef]"That is a big wolf, but I can probably arrange something for him in a few weeks."[/color], Osgar knew he was talking more to himself than to this Ogre, so he simplified as much as he could, [color=00aeef]"Tell Wolfie and his owner to come here, and I'll see about his armor"[/color], to negotiate an armor price with this Ogre would not only be a painful blow into his sanity, but also extremely unfair. All things considered, was highly unlikely this humongous ogre was carrying the kind of coin needed to pay for an armor that big. [color=0054a6]"Oh also man with spikey ears said I give this to smithy."[/color] The ogre said, handing him a note. [color=00aeef]"To Z.E. by Y, eh? Yashar is planning on a new expedition again? You will want to talk to Zokox Explobomb, another goblin who happens to be an inventor. I seem to be plagued by those, you know? Come here tomorrow and bring your friends with you, and he will get you all some equipment."[/color]