[hr][hr][center][h1][i][b]The Infirmary[/b][/i][/h1][/center][hr] If looks could kill the one that Tristan shot Tryke would have rendered her a corpse, granted with T1's it wasn't unheard of for a look to come over them before they lashed out mentally towards someone but Tristan was having issues focusing. Must have been something in the drugs that Crisna had slipped into the Tower Leads Iv that was causing him to be a bit slower n the mental draw than normal. If asked though she would have completely denied it, a medical professional would never have added an unneeded medication into a T1's IV's. It was unthinkable. "I did no such thing! I was simply checking to make sure she was alright!" Tristan snapped as he sat up in bed and pulled the IV's out of his arm. Rubbing his temples he groaned a bit and shoot his head. "I might be an ass but damn it Fisher, why the fuck would I attack a T1 that was here to make my job easier?" he half asked, half stated before turning and placing his feet on the ground. "Now, get the fuck out of my way," he said as he stood up, a bit wobbly on his feet at first but the look on his features was a very common one, one that meant he was on a mission - what they mission was it was as guess to anyone but chances were he wanted to have a little talk with the petite little addition to the tower. Taking a step the look in his eyes was nearly warning as he looked at Tom, nearly daring him to try to stop him from moving past. Over at the elevator the doors open and Marx glanced around, seeing Tryke and giving her a broad smile. "Hey, can you help me out? I'm totally lost, where the hell is the food in his place?"