[color=a187be][i][b][center]Annabeth Gulch[/center][/b][/i][/color] Annabeth arrived to the mess hall. It was lively, and she noticed that one of her co-workers from Underhaven was also here. Since today was the day people were going out for missions, it made sense that any vampires who would be going should have a quick access to their food too. It was kind of strange how... Normal it was for Annabeth to just accept the fact that she works with people who drink mortal blood. She even worked along man eaters and cannibals. But for Annabeth, that was just business as usual. Either she had nerves of steel, or was secretly rather twisted... But the grumbling in her tummy made Annabeth focus on feeding herself. She walked over to the kitchens to get her food: corned beef on wheat bread, two whole-fried pickles, and some blue cheese. She had a simple mug of water to drink, cool as the weather outside. Once she was on her mission, Annabeth wouldn't have such good food for some time. It may be nothing but hardtack, jerky, and dried fruits for days on end. [color=a187ce]"Heh. The college spoils me."[/color] Annabeth said quietly as she took a bite of her fried pickle. Now there was still the matter of seating. There were plenty of seats and tables available, but Annabeth wanted to sit with someone she recognized. That's when she noticed two familiar faces: Baulder and Helena. It seemed odd that these two people would be with each other, considering Baulder's.... Reputation and the fact that Helena was new. There was also another dark skinned girl sitting with them who seemed to be friends with Baulder. Annabeth never met her before, but now was a better time then ever. So Annabeth went over to their table, placing her food down but not sitting just yet. After all, she should ask first. [color=a187ce]"Good morning. May I take a seat here?"[/color]