[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Amy Chang[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/eecad30eeabc788893fd5e8e9f5e3453/tumblr_njxya3vUKd1rrqapyo1_500.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Heading Towards The Hospital [b]Interacting With:[/b] Fucking No One! LOL[hr][hr][/center] Amy pulled the bloodied gloves off her hands and sighed as she tossed them into the hazardous waste bag. Shaking her head she tried to wrap her mind around the fact that she had just played the most deranged version of hacky sack in history. The heart was at least off her foot now. She watched it loft through the air and perked a brow as it landed and the land shot it. She didn't even want to know what that was about. She was a heart surgeon and normally she would have been devastated that a heart was ruined the way it was. You know, shaking it all about and then using it for close range target practice, but right then she could care less. It must not have been a good one anyways. Turning things were wrapping up and she grabbed her bat. Figuring she could turn in for the day and get the hell off the streets of this maddening town. You know, curl up in front of a fire, pull out a good book and refuse to read it as you down a couple of cases of wine and try to forget everything that had happened today so far. A woman that came back from the dead, holy peanut oil, acid in the face, a mystery man that wanted her heart, a heart that rained out of the skies, stepping on it. You know, just your typical trials and tribulations of the every day. Rolling her eyes she pulled out her phone as it went off and noticed the text message. She was supposed to report back to the hospital. What now? Someone give birth and instead of a single bouncing baby boy the woman shot out of her va-jay-jay a swarm of vampire bats and they wanted her to administer rabies shots to everyone? Grumbling to herself she grabbed tightly to her bat and started walking through the streets of this fine fine town back towards the hospital. She swore to herself, if anyone got in her path or asked her if she had heard the good word she was going to pretend their skull was a softball and go for a home run.