[center][IMG]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Mali%20Anson&name=Chris%27s%20Handwriting.ttf&size=50&style_color=D5FF00[/IMG] [hr][b]Location:[/b] Apartment 2B [hr][hr][/center] Unpacking was going as tediously as it usually had been for the past couple of weeks, but some things weren't quite matching up. The tape on boxes had been removed, things were arranged in a way that didn't match up with the fact that they had been sitting in a box mostly undisturbed for weeks, and the boxes themselves were moved around a bit in ways they weren't when she had left earlier in the day. Nothing seemed to be missing, but she almost wish there had been missing shit so she wouldn't feel like such a paranoid nut. The feeling of paranoia just grew stronger and stronger until she felt compelled to actually check for more evidence of a break in of some sort. The front door was pristine, so unless they had a spare key, nobody got in that way. A lot of times in movies or, it's laughably easy to make your way past a standard door lock. All you needed was a bobby pin or a credit card, and given some finagling, you could slip your way in. Given a really shallow or cheap lock, maybe, [i]maybe[/i] you could force your way through a door by jamming a card into a door crack, but you'd be there for several minutes at a minimum shaking the door looking suspicious as fuck. Nah, to successfully pick a lock, you had to have specialized tools and be some kind of locksmith or specialist, otherwise it was easier to either bust the whole thing in or get in through a window. Speaking of which, there was all the proof she needed. Whoever broke in did a sloppy job of hiding it. Couldn't even close the window all the way. Judging by the way the wood was splintering on the underside and that the apartment was 10 feet off the ground, whoever broke in used a crowbar, went through all her shit and then left. Mali tried to think over why anybody would want to do this to her specifically. Well they might not have done this to just her. For all she knew, every apartment in this building was similarly broken into. She'd have to check up on that. But as far as motive went, she could only think of two realistic possibilities. They were either looking for something that clearly wasn't in her apartment, or they were spying on her. Why they would want to spy on her was a mystery. [color=#D5FF00]"Fuckers refused to even give the courtesy of keeping the apartment temperature properly regulated."[/color] Mali shut the window as best as she could to minimize the amount of cool air being lost before re-prioritizing her mental To-Do list. Unpacking would have to wait. She briefly thought about calling Relic, but the emergency, if there ever was one ended quite awhile ago. And although she hated to admit it, she wasn't even all that surprised that the apartment had been broken into. A lot of the time people claim that their peace of mind or feeling of security in their home was violated but in a Justice apartment, could anyone really claim to have such things in the first place? Still, being on the receiving end of a B&E at this specific time on this specific day wasn't doing anything for her paranoia about the whole city collapsing in on itself. Unpacking right now would have to wait. First thing's first, check to see if anyone else had their apartment broken into, then tell the landlord about this so she can get a new window. After all that, then she would need a way to make sure there weren't any repeats of this situation. Maybe she'd need to invest in a firearm of some sort. Now that Mali thought about it, didn't that one woman from the Mexican family say that they were personal security personnel last night? If that was true and she didn't mishear, maybe she would ask them to help out. Leaving her apartment and locking the door, she took the quick and mercifully less painful trip down the stairs to the ground floor. She'd just make a quick trip around the three apartment buildings that made up Boston Heights and look for any signs of break-ins on windows that weren't hers.